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Wednesday POV

I was making my way down the stairs to the nightshade "hidden" library. Because Xavier asked me to meet them here apparently they have something interesting to show me but let's be reasonable since when have they had something interesting to show for themselves?. When I made it down they were all in a circle "your late Addams" i glanced at Bianca keeping my poker face in "I was busy with something you should be great full I'm even here" I said looking around to see everyone "like what kissing your little girlfriend Addams" I sighed at the vampires claim "hello Yoko" she winked at me and I rolled my eyes .

I felt a glare upon me I looked around to see who it was from it landed on Ajax  "need something snake head?" He glared harder "if this is about me dating Enid it's not my fault you weren't a good enough boyfriend" "damn good one girl" said Yoko with a smirk and her girlfriend divina agreeing along with Bianca "listen here you bitch" i threw a knife missing his head by an inch on purpose "what snake boy" there was silence as we both glared "what do you guys want from me?" I asked trying not to start a fight with Medusa boy here.

Kent took a step forward "I got this off the dark web but everyone here are too chicken to try it" i hummed in response "what about you? You're a chicken too I'm assuming" he scratched the back of his neck " I guess..." I grabbed the bottle and looked at it no tag or at least something to identify it as "it's supposed to be a drink it find out kinda thing hehe" imbeciles "what am I getting out of this im risking getting poisoned not that it would be bad but I wouldn't hear the end of it with Enid" Yoko chuckled along with the other except Ajax "you will officially be a nightshade what could be better than that" I rolled my eyes at Bianca "anything would be better but I will agree under one condition" they all looked at with a confused? Look "Enid gets to join and I get the secret room in the back" they looked at me weird "there's a room in the back?" I hummed in response "deal" I shook hands with Bianca and uncapped the bottle and took it like a shot of vodka.

I looked around nothing really changed until I noticed that I grew like three inches taller and there was something in unsettling in between my legs and boy was it annoying "um Wednesday you okay? All you really did was get taller nothing else really" I meet Biancas gaze "Yoko can you come here please" I heard footsteps then she was next to me. I whispered in her ear what happened "well shit" she said out loud "we have a situation she has become a he?" I walked out.

I'm not angry I just need boxers and pants wearing a skirt is not okay while having a dick I walked to Ms.seems office in a hurry "we need to talk" she closed her laptop and listen to me "what about Ms.Addams?" If there is one thing I learned is that I'm no snitch "I'm transgender" she dropped the pen she was holding "o-okay um why did you come out to me and not your mother" I started shaking "not by choice today I made a potion in chemistry lab apparently the chemicals mixed and they fell upon me and now i am now a boy" she looked at me weird "okay well there is a closet in there help yourself" she said as she gestured to the closet I rushed i and grabbed a pair of black and white sweat pants, a T-shirt and boxers and ran out on my way to my dorm.

I walked in the dorm hoping Enid was asleep or else I'm not gonna hear the end of it "do you have any idea what time it is" I closed my eyes and slowly turned around to see her sitting against the bed board "I know it's very late mi amor but just let me use the bathroom real quick okay I will explain" I said quickly making my way to bathroom i took off my clothes and put on the new to my surprise it was a lot more comfortable that way I walked out to an angry Enid.

I sighed and sat on her bed "mi amor I'm sorry I got caught up with nightshades since you and I are officially new me-" I was cut off my her jumping onto me and clinging on to me like a koala "OMG we are officially member's really?! I love you soook much thank you!" She hugged me even tighter "no problem mi Bebe" I mumbled the last part "but how you manage that tho?"

I buried my face into the crook of her neck "easy we made a deal I do this thing for them and you and I are official members since you seem to like that little friend group" she cupped my face and looked at me weird "your face seems more manly? And your chest is completely flat what exactly did you do?" I sighed "I drank this potion for them and I'm officially a boy and this kinda helps since parents day is in two day and apparently this is permanent" she looked concerned "I love you either way but are you sure you want to stay like this forever baby" I nodded " there is really no cure but that's okay" I said as got up with her still in my arms still and laid down more comfortably "listen I'm okay with this I just have to get used to this okay?" She gave me a peck on the lips and snuggled into me "I will yell at them tomorrow I'm sure there a cure we just have to find believe it or I like being top and taller" she said closing her eyes "I love yOuUu" I chuckled and kissed her forehead "good night mi amor" i signaled thing to get the lights "thank you" I mumbled as I cuddled closer to the most beautiful woman in the world.

I know this is a bad chapter but let me know if you may want part two I am working on a request and this came off the top off my head I apologize for the bad writing chapter😭💅

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