Chapter 17 - A Very Last Hope?

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_"You and Hella, heirs and new lords of hell... I confess that I did not expect that." confessed Emily still reeling from the revelation.

_"So I am..." answered Mathias. "The priests of hell hoped to trick us into offering our bodies as receptacles for the souls of their departed monarchs, but they underestimated us. Now I have Vexus' ring and Hella has Evilyn's."

Evilyn and Vexus... Two names that despite the years still gave Emily nasty chills.

_"Rather ironic." Mathias added, looking at his ring. "I who have always felt such hatred towards demons and their cultists, now I have become the heir of one of their rings in addition to having one of the worst demons in me. Decidedly, fate likes to have a twisted sense of humor with me."

_"But at least I know that with you two wearers of these rings, we will have nothing to fear from another attack from hell." said Emily. "Evilyn and Vexus were abominations and although I was able to defeat them with Mr. Lordi before, I'm relieved to know that you and Hella permanently prevented their souls to return."

_"And... what does Mr. Lordi think of these rings that we have now?" Mathias then asked.

_"He is rather divided on the subject, and I can understand it." Emily confessed. "But he also has full confidence in you and your abilities and he knows that your love, like ours, is powerful and will allow you to harness that power and put it to good use."

Mathias smiled and thanked Emily for those encouraging words.

_"Thank you... We will do our best to continue to deserve this trust." said the young man.

Emily nodded with a smile, trusting her friend and knowing he would keep his word, just like Hella will. The two young humans then took their still hot cups of chocolate, deciding to toast and have a sip.

_"Who could have believed all that would happen to us, huh?" Mathias then said almost nostalgically. "I remember when through social media I heard about what had happened in Oakville, this attack of demons and this group of monsters who had defended humans and wanted peace between their world and ours.. When you told me by message that you knew these monsters and that you were even in a relationship with their lord, I admit I was more than surprised... All their life, my parents were convinced of their existence and I took them for crazy, when in reality, I was the young crazy person who remained blind to this truth... And now here I am, in a relationship with a magnificent monster woman, fighting against cosmic entities from ancient ages and holder of a power that I couldn't have imagined in even my fanciest novels."

Emily stayed sat nearby and listened to Mathias express his thoughts and shared her opinion and agreement about this incredible destiny the two of them had.

_"Before Mr. Lordi came into my life, I felt so isolated, misunderstood, as if I didn't belong to the same species as other humans, as if they didn't understand me." she says, thoughtfully. "Of course I had you as a good friend, but deep inside, my heart was empty of something that I couldn't explain or fill... I needed someone to love me as I was, and ironically, he too needed someone to love him as he was and to understand the beauty of the beast that was in him... To become the wife of the lord of the monsters, the carrier of an angelic power and the pioneer of a form of love between a human and a monster... Even in the wildest dreams I could not have imagined such a destiny, and in a way, so much the better: the world would be so sad if we knew in advance everything that was going to happen."

Mathias smiled as he listened and agreed with her regarding the unpredictability of fate on everyone's lives. Their passage in the world of monsters had opened their eyes to so many things, to the complex truth that surrounded this universe, all these worlds that existed there, most of them unaware of the existence of others because separated by billions of barriers and corridors invisible, like an immense and infinite web in space and time. The human being, who nevertheless believed himself to be at the center of everything, to be the most evolved and powerful being, was in fact only a tiny fragment among billions of others composing a whole. Such information would be dizzying, but Emily and Mathias had an advantage: although born as outcasts, rejected by their peers, they had known how to keep a dreamy, imaginative and open mind, which had enabled them to accept this new reality much more quickly in their lives which at first they thought were so ordinary.

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