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If you're reading Jimin's Pet (or any of my BDSM books) you've probably encountered some BDSM kinks that are confusing. Let's talk about some I've mentioned and a couple extra.

This will not be a spoiler for any of my books, only informational. It should also be noted I'm not condoning, recommending, or instructing on any of these kinks or techniques. Please do not assume reading this small intro makes engaging in any of these behaviors SAFE. If you don't like my opinions below feel free to disregard them, everyone gets to make up their own minds.

Read this chapter with caution there will be TRIGGERS.



Note- this is a high risk kink

The act of tightly binding the submissive partially or head to toe so they are unable to move. They can be bound arms to sides legs together like a "mummy" or can have individual limbs bound separately. Certain sexual organs, breasts, vagina, penis, can left uncovered for stimulation or can be covered depending on the goal of the scene.

Goals of mummification- the feeling of loss of control, sensory deprivation, pain (depending on what is used to bind), slight suffocation or breath play, being at the mercy of the dom, humiliation, womb like feel

Common things used to bind- Sarah wrap, duct tape, plastic tarps, latex, gauze wraps, ace bandages, plaster of paris, bdsm bondage tape (most skin safe), stretchy fabric like jersey knit, muslin, leather, electrical tape, any combination of the above

Risks- suffocation, panic attacks, blood clots if the wrapping is done wrong, overheating, dehydration, vertigo, drop in blood sugar, loss of feeling in limbs, death

Blood kinks:

Note- this is a high risk kink

Any kink in which sub/dom exchange blood physically or ingest either their own, fake, or animal

Goal- some can be theme related, vampire, werewolf, animal, primal urges. In some cases the act of drawing blood is the kink, and that's enough. Other people want to play with it, the quantity is the excitement, some blood kinks involve drawing blood with a needle, cutting with sharp objects, scratching with nails, biting with teeth. Fake or animal blood can be used to stimulate the kink without being unsafe.

Yes. I know someone will ask. Menstrual blood falls into this kink. Humiliation with tampons etc. moving right along lol

Risks- transmitting diseases through blood, cuts, mouth to skin, mouth to wound, infection, cutting too deeply, blood loss, death

CNC- consensual non consent, rape fantasy

While this isn't necessarily high risk kink let's talk about some reasons the BDSM community doesn't necessarily feel it's safe. I'm not going to describe anything about this kink I think it's self explanatory.

A lot of submissives feel this could be a good therapy method for their trauma from their own assaults. That it's like taking back control when they couldn't at the time. This is a flawed train of thought in many peoples opinion including mine. BDSM is not a substitute for therapy. A real therapist would likely tell you reenactment of trauma is re-traumatizing not healing. CNC usually has safe words, but it's meant to be scary, an adrenaline rush so to speak, it's meant to feel like rape. Is that safe and healthy? Maybe not. That's why this should be carefully considered.

There's also the concern with the dominant partner. Why would they want to act out a scene where they force someone? Isn't it the dominant's job to always create space for consent? Their motivation is another reason to approach this with a lot of discussion and thoughtful consideration. This is not me judging what adults do, it's me reminding people that even very well controlled scenes can be harmful.

Breath play/asphyxiation/choking:

Note- this is a high risk kink and because it's trendy and common people forget that

A type of kink where the effect is to control the breathing of the submissive.

Common ways to accomplish this- choking with hands, choking with belts, squashing, breath holding, tape over mouth/nose

Goal- loss of control, restricted blood flow can enhance pleasure, sensation play

Risks- choking, damage to neck, actually asphyxiating, damaging vocal cords, death


Where a submissive craves pain and suffering. It's important to note not all submissives are masochistic and crave pain. Lots of scenes involve impact play but that doesn't automatically mean the sub is a masochist. To meet this title they must have a high tolerance and need to experience extreme discomfort to be satisfied.

This can be a risky kink because a masochist can push beyond their limits or refuse to safe word because they want to push their boundaries. Their dominant needs to control the scene for them in many cases to keep things safe.

Common ways to inflict pain- all kinds of impact play, paddles, whips, canes, floggers, slapping, punching, pinching, clamps, hair pulling, etc

Risks- bruises, scars, nerve damage, broken bones, passing out, the sub not being capable of using safe word either by refusal or physical incapacity

A few quick bonus kinks to learn.


A kink in which one or both parties get off on the idea of impregnating the sub. This can involve consent or pretend non consent (removal of condom, climaxing without pulling out) most common with m/f but can be used in mpreg fantasy and male humiliation too

Free Use:

Where a submissive is used sexually at any time by their dominant or agreed upon parties. It's meant to be  be an objectification of them, making them only value as a sexual object. No matter what the sub is doing in the moment they're used, in most cases the sub attempts to keep completing the task (think cooking, laundry, sleeping, doing dishes, having a zoom call)


Where one partner (usually female) in a couple has sex with a third party in front of the other with the intention of humiliating or emasculating them. It's not an agreed upon threesome, the other member of the couple doesn't participate but is forced to watch

Role play:

Where someone gets off on pretending to be someone else or have sex in scenarios they wouldn't normally be able to participate

Common role plays- anime characters, popular celebrities, strangers picked up at a bar, step siblings, boss/employee, teacher/student

Have you heard of other kinks you're curious about?

General questions about kinks? Ask them here.

Please keep this a SAFE place and everyone be polite.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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