Chapter 7//They're a memory now...

Start from the beginning

-Are you sure this plan will work? Infecting everyone with 234T7? 6:01am

-Positive, once these creations of mine go out, I'll save the world and get the job back:) 6:03am

-hm, what do I get as a return? 6:03am

-what do you want? Like literally? 6:03am

-I want X and Y's soul and power, I also want them alive, Nit dead 6:04am

-Y doesn't have power, sir 6:04am

-Oh but she does, she just hasn't figured it out yet since her gem is off somewhere 6:04am

-hm, I need to get back with work I think subject 04 is already infected 6:04am

-alright then, I'll be waiting. 6:04am

What the actual fuck is this letter planning? I Sadly can't see who it is, their username is just Previous_LeaderFromBefore12, what kind of username is that?? I looked around the room some more and saw a box underneath the counter. I took it out and saw it was full of items that the other letters had with them, I's bag, R's photo of Us, F. R. I. E. N. D. S, and a rock with googly eyes? Huh i don't know why he has it but okay, E's journal and Knife- wait why does he have a Knife!?...not gonna ask, V's headphones, camera and flashlight, and lastly mine and O's notepad along with my wallet and phone, the box also had files of each and every one of them.
I looked at I's file first.

Name: subject 05 (I)
Last name: ...
Substance used: 234T7- Mutated formula
States: Infected
Effects: Melted his right (I's left), talks weirdly, and laughs at troubled situations
Last seen before being taken: Hospital with A
Suspects: G, V and A

Then I take a look at R's file

Name: Subject 04 (R)
Last name:...
Substance used: 234T7- Mutated formula
States: Infected
Effects: opened a black void that made him have multiple eyes opened in face and leg(?) about 6-12 new eyes opened, melted mouth, now sticky, holes near his mouth and near his injured leg, anything he touches dies fast
Last seen before being taken: Home in his room
Suspects: no one

I then look at E's file.

Name: subject 02 (E)
Last name:...
Substance used: 234T7- Mutated formula
States: Infected
Effects: opened a third red eye in his forehead, tentacles on back, eyes turned completely black with red pupils, and sharp teeth on sides
Last seen before being taken: Home in living room hiding during the kidnapping
Suspects: S and K (were on call)

Jeez, what the hell is this letter doing with us all? He's mutated three we know, I need to get these files to the group, I got my phone, notepad and I's bag and packed the files that were in the box and my stuff, I took a picture of the chat box and walked off, I opened the door, it's all clear, I walked around the halls looking for an exit in the meantime I tried calling M.

"Please pick up, please pick up.." I muttered, roaming the halls.

-M's POV-


"COME WITH US DUMBASS!" I yelled as the other half group was already gone, S slithered to us as we hid away from the blob, it ran past us and looked for the other group.

"Everyone alright?" I asked, they gave out a simple nod.

"Ughh- I feel tired and my back is in pain..." U wined, Y patted him until she noticed something.


"Fuck, he must of gotten it when that blob broke in that abandoned house -sigh- hold still, Y grab him in case if he tries to run off, X get the things you have" I instructed, Y grabbed him, X ran off as I took a deep breath and pulled the piece out.

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