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         Q ran up to Wagner loid who was still having his tantrum, she sprouted wings and started moving them so she could fly. She flew really really close to wagnerloid centimeters apart, she could kiss him then and there. "W-w-w-Wagner... world amazing galaxy never ending revolution........pookie bear.......... You.. this isn't you 🥺🥺🥺 this isn't the Wagner I know and love... look into my eyes!! I love you stop throwing this goofy ahh tantrum!!"

After saving Wagner from his little tantrum Q ran up to Wagner and said "Wagner-Senpai I'm so glad your little tantrum is over!! Let's get married now!" Then with Wagner-Senpais fart from the heart he changed the scenery to a wedding. I and all the other classicaloids were at the wedding to cheer them on. They all used their fart from the heart to make it even better. Q picked Wagner-Senpai up bridal style. I yelled from the crowd to cheer her bestie on " THAT. WAS. HARD. CORE‼️‼️‼️" And then Kanae said "what the sus" and everyone didn't like that so they started to beat her up and uses their fart from the heart to brutally squish her like a bug 🤗. And then Wagner-Senpai started using his fart from the heart and started playing "make the revolution from the ride of Valkyrie's" and everyone started clapping and Beethoven brought gayozas for everyone to eat.
And then make the revolution stopped playing and 4 am nocturne and Motes musik started playing. Suddenly I Chopin-Senpai and Motes-Senpai were all in suits and I realized what was going on.... Motes senpai and Chopin senpai got down on one knee and they both proposed to I "M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-Motes-Senpai... C-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-Chopin-Senpai.... YES LETS GET MARRIED RIGHT NOW JUST LIKE HOW Q DID. Then kanae started crying like a little wee wee bitch because we were taking all the Classicaloid's to ourselves. We didn't care neither did the other classicaloids. And then she turned into a bug and Q and I started stomping on her until out legs felt like they were going to fall off. Then we started moaning and groaning because of our legs and Chopin-Senpai and Motes-Senpai carried I to the car and Wagner-Senpai carried Q to their car. Then when Q and I left with their husbands Tchaiko-Chan turned to Bada and she vowed to marry her someday.
And then Beethoven-Senpai let out his hidden feelings for Tomato(Schubert) and asked since everyone was getting married is Tomato would like to take his hand in marriage. "YES YES ANYTHING FOR YOU BEETHOVEN-DADDY-I MEAN SENPAI ILL MAKE YOU ALL THE GAYOZAS YOU WANT IN THE WORLD!!!!!!" Then Liszt and Bach Loid dat and cheered being the single Pringle's they are. AND THEN after seeing all the gays soskue said "you know what I'm gay two!!" And Davie 504 came and said Soskue-senpai let's get married! And they drove away happily in their "just married car" and kanae wathed him drive away, her eyes turning red with rage!!! As she turned into her alpha demon form 👹👹👹. Then Q and I forced Soskue back and Q and I got into their "just married" cars with Wagner-Senpai Chopin-Senpai and Motes-Senpai and Beethoven with Tomato all four of them ran over Kanae .
The (Gay) end‼️‼️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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