Witchy Powers

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As Yelena reached out to lift the fallen fledgling, a surge of warmth spread through her chest, igniting a spark of power she had never experienced before.

A soft gasp escaped her lips as tendrils of energy coalesced around her, shimmering with an otherworldly glow. With each breath, the sensation grew stronger, like a wildfire raging within her, yearning to be unleashed.

As she gently placed the baby bird back into its nest, a wave of determination washed over her. She closed her eyes, focusing on the energy coursing through her veins, feeling it pulse with life and vitality.

With a whispered incantation, Yelena extended her hands, palms alight with a radiant glow. Before her eyes, the air shimmered and shifted, weaving together strands of magic into a delicate tapestry of vines and flowers.

With a soft thud, Yelena felt herself falling, the ground rushing up to meet her. Panic surged through her veins as she flung her hands out instinctively, desperate to shield herself from harm.

But instead of the bone-jarring impact she expected, Yelena felt something soft and yielding beneath her fingertips. Opening her eyes, she gasped in astonishment as she found herself cradled in a bed of verdant foliage, the vines and flowers weaving together to form a protective cushion beneath her.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as Yelena lay there, awestruck by the magic she had unwittingly summoned. With a shaky breath, she slowly pushed herself upright, her hands trembling with the remnants of power still coursing through her.

As the enchantment faded, leaving only the gentle rustle of leaves in its wake, Yelena couldn't help but marvel at the raw potential she had just tapped into. She rose to her feet with newfound resolve, a sense of purpose burning bright within her heart.

*End Of FlashBack*

Yelena's eidetic memory often acted as both a blessing and a curse, providing her with vivid recollections of past events while occasionally overwhelming her senses with an onslaught of memories. As Mrs. L reminded her of the impending closure of the library, Yelena felt a pang of distraction tugging at her thoughts, a nagging sense of unease clouding her mind.

"Yelena, it's time to go now. The library is going to close after we leave," Mrs. L's voice pulled her back to the present, prompting a nod of acknowledgment from Yelena.

As they made their way home, Yelena's mind buzzed with a disconcerting energy, flashes of herself appearing behind her like haunting apparitions. She spun around, scanning her surroundings for any sign of the mysterious presence that seemed to linger just beyond her reach.

Suddenly, she collided with someone, a figure looming before her with an air of quiet intensity. It was Mikael, his gaze piercing as he addressed her with a simple greeting. Yelena's heart raced as she exchanged brief words with him, the weight of unspoken tension hanging heavy in the air between them.

"Lena!" Bonnie's voice shattered the moment, drawing Yelena's attention back to her friend. With a swift exchange of glances, they hurried away, the encounter with Mikael leaving a lingering sense of unease in Yelena's mind.

Back at home, Yelena's facade of composure shattered as she recounted her encounter with Mikael to her parents. Tears welled in her eyes as she described the chilling sensation of fear that had gripped her, her words trembling with raw emotion.

Concern etched across their faces, Papa and Mama enveloped Yelena in a comforting embrace, their reassurances offering little solace against the backdrop of her overwhelming anxiety.

"I am going to make you some special tea, it will help you," Papa's voice was gentle as he sought to ease Yelena's distress, while Mama's soothing touch provided a sense of security amidst the turmoil of her emotions.

Despite their efforts to distract her, Yelena's mind remained fixated on the events of the evening, her thoughts swirling with apprehension and uncertainty. As Mama guided her to bed, Yelena's exhaustion threatened to overwhelm her, the weight of her fears pressing heavily upon her weary soul.

"I just wanna sleep," Yelena murmured, her words tinged with exhaustion as she nestled into her parents' embrace, seeking refuge from the shadows that lurked in the recesses of her mind.

As she drifted into a fitful slumber, Papa and Mama exchanged worried glances, their silent communication betraying the depth of their concern for their daughter's well-being.

"It's time," Papa's voice was grave as he broached the subject that had been weighing heavily on his mind, prompting a reluctant acknowledgment from Mama.

"She's only three," Mama protested, her voice tinged with a note of desperation as she grappled with the gravity of the situation.

"I know, but whoever this is... I don't think they are going away," Papa's words hung heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked just beyond their doorstep.

As Yelena slept, blissfully unaware of the plans being made on her behalf, her parents remained vigilant, their resolve steeled against the unseen threats that loomed on the horizon.

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