Meeting Bennett, Forbes, And Lockwood

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Park day had arrived, and with it came a flurry of nerves swirling within me like a tempest in a teacup. What if they don't like me? What if I mess up the plot? What if I mess everything up? I tightly hugged my stuffed rabbit. The questions circled my mind like restless birds, refusing to settle.

"They will love you, Yelena," Mama's reassuring voice broke through my anxious thoughts, offering a lifeline of comfort amidst the storm of uncertainties. "That obvious?" I asked, casting a doubtful glance her way. "As clear as water, Ellie," Papa chimed in, his tone brimming with confidence in my abilities.

"Okay, we're here," Mama announced as she turned off the car engine, her gentle hands helping me out of the car seat. Stepping onto the familiar ground of the park, I felt a surge of anticipation mingled with apprehension coursing through my veins.

"Look, there's Shelia and her granddaughter, Bonnie," Mama pointed out, guiding me towards the sandbox where our awaited rendezvous awaited.

"Hello, Little Bee, this is my granddaughter, Bonnie," Shelia greeted us warmly, her smile as radiant as the morning sun.

Bonnie was a vision of sweetness, her long hair framing her face like a halo, and her green eyes twinkling with youthful innocence. As she approached, her curiosity sparked, her gaze alighting upon me with a mixture of wonder and excitement.

"Hello, Bonnie," I greeted her, my voice tinged with shyness as I extended a tentative hand toward her. "Hi, what's your name?" Bonnie inquired, her voice as melodious as a songbird's. My heart fluttered at her endearing question.

"My name is Yelena," I replied softly, my gaze drifting towards the playground where two familiar figures caught my attention. Forbes and Lockwood. The anticipation of meeting them mingled with the fluttering excitement in my chest.

"Wanna go to the playground?" I suggested, nodding towards the colorful structures that beckoned with promises of adventure.

"Sure," Bonnie replied eagerly, linking her arm with mine as we skipped towards the playground, our laughter bubbling like a spring stream in the air

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"Sure," Bonnie replied eagerly, linking her arm with mine as we skipped towards the playground, our laughter bubbling like a spring stream in the air. Mama's warning about running echoed in my mind, but the thrill of the moment propelled us forward, heedless of caution.

We ascended the stairs with boundless energy, our laughter mingling with the chatter of other children as we reached the pinnacle of the slide.

"Yelena Mackenzie Gilbert, no running!" Mama's voice called out, a gentle reminder that tugged at the edges of our exuberance. "Sorry, Mama," I called back, a mischievous giggle bubbling from my lips as I glanced at Bonnie.

Together, we gleefully descended the slide, taking turns with the effortless grace of childhood, our spirits soaring with each joyful moment shared.

As we reached the bottom, a new group of children caught my attention. "Hi, I'm Caroline. This is Tyler, Vicki, and Matt," a girl with golden locks of hair introduced them, her bright smile illuminating the gathering.

Reborn As The Current Doppelganger (SI-Elena G. X Elijah M. X Niklaus M.)Where stories live. Discover now