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Funny thing how she raised me to be an asset, someone that could be useful for their war and who would make her Dark Lord proud, but when I finally started growing more and becoming more like him she'd be scared of me. Of course she'd yell at me and tell me off, and of fucking course she was proud of how I was becoming darker, more powerful, smarter, but she started being more careful of scolding me, she thought for many years that maybe her Dark Lord wouldn't come back and that instead I would be the one to become the next dark witch, and of course she couldn't risk being on my bad side if that were to happen. With time, though, she realized that wasn't the case, eventually Voldemort came back and well, the rest is history.

I blinked, coming back to reality, and saw that in the few seconds I'd been lost in thought we had already arrived at the Stark Tower.

"Nat?" I heard Barton say.

"I see him." She said, and started shooting at him. Although the bullets didn't seem to hurt him, it sure looks like we did manage to piss him off as he quickly reacted by pointing his scepter at us and shooting.

It hit on the left wing of the aircraft, and it made Romanoff and Barton lose control.

Rogers grabbed onto a metal bar on the ceiling as Barton and Romanoff struggled to keep control of the aircraft. I grabbed onto a metal bar on my side, trying to steady myself as much as possible as we continued to make our way to the ground. We hit a building, causing me to almost let go of the metal bar and I just closed my eyes and focused on holding my wand tightly.

I open my eyes and look outside just to close them again, preparing for the hit. We finally hit the ground, and the aircraft breaks the pavement as we still move a few meters forward due to the speed we had been flying at. Barton pushes a button and the hatch opens.

Both Romanoff and Barton get up quickly, not wasting any time, and Rogers lets go of the metal bar he had been holding on as leads us out the hatch and into the streets of the city. I follow him, letting of the bar I was holding to with my arm almost hurts from how tightly I was holding to it, and follow them outside stepping into the broken pavement.

Welcome to New York, Irya.

"We've got to get back up there." Says Rogers as he runs, leading us back to Stark Tower. I run quickly not wanting to be left behind and get lost, and as we took a turn between the cars parked in the middle of the road we got to a place with no buildings or cars that prevented us from seeing directly the Stark Tower. I looked up, following the blinding light that rose from the roof of the building and towards the sky, and my eyes fixated on the enormous portal at the top of it.

As I kept on running without looking where I was going I ended up running into the cap, who along with Romanoff and Barton had stopped to see the portal too.

The four of us stood there for a moment, taking in what we were up against to, as the dozens of aliens made their way through the portal and into the streets of New York one after the other.

I was thinking about what jinxes and curses I could possible use against them, as one big kind of war-ship looking thing came through the portal. It looked like an airship, but at the same time it looked like a weird animal and the way it moved led me to believe it was alive. So, a ginormous alien. Just great, fucking great.

And as if it wasn't great enough by itselft when it was at level with the buildings, basically flying over our heads, hundreds of aliens started jumping off from it, breaking into the buildings.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Said Rogers next to me, as he looked mesmerized at the aliens flying everywhere.

"Seeing. Still working on believing." We heard him answer over the com. "Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" I frowned a bit a at that, it was unfortunate that him and Thor got lost in the middle of the fight. Does he really thing he's going to show up?

Irya Aillie Stark - D. M. (Harry Potter x Marvel)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum