The Gala

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Like many of the infinite Earths of the Multiverse, there are many constants: A Kryptonian protector, an Amazonian Princess, a Speedster, the Lanterns, and A Dark Knight.

And this Earth, deep in the Multiverse is no different. But this story, which is set in the grim city of Gotham doesn't follow just the Dark Knight but another Vigilante, one who traded claws for wings, one who redeemed some of it's most notorious villains, the one that brought peace to Gotham. This is the story of NightScream. But first lets take a look at how he came to be the hero that the people love and the Villains respect.

It all starts with a ten year-old boy named Sylas Kyle, yes Kyle, just like the infamous thief Selina Kyle a.k.a. Catwoman. Well Sylas is her older twin brother.

Sylas is working as an errand boy for the notorious mob boss and Gotham's very own Godfather Carmine Falcone. Sylas worked under the fake name of Jimmy Olson. His job consisted
of running errands for Falcone and spyung on other Crime families especially on Salvatore Maroni who had a long history of insubordination.

Sylas although only ten, would work long nights to be able to care for his sister Selina, who usually was out stealing from people on the streets.

Tonight was no different. Sylas was cleaning the glass cups in Falcone's restaurant when Salvatore Maroni walked in with three of his toughest men. He walked over and sat across from Falcone. "Hey Jimmy. Why don't you take the rest of the night off?" "Are you sure sir? I still have to clean the dishes." Falcone chuckled.

"See, this is why I like this kid. Willing to work long and hard nights to make ends meet like in the good oldays, not like the brats out and about now. But in any case don't worry about the dishes, Tony will take care of it." Falcone said as he then handed Sylas a pair of envelops and large roll of money. "Sir?" "The Waynes are hosting a gala tomorrow and honestly I'm not bothered enough to attend. But you can go in my Place.And that money is to buy yourself a proper suit. Its a black and white event, whatever you have left keep it." Falcone instructed. "Thank you Mr. Falcone!"

Sylas rushed home soon after, Living in a rundown apartment that was vacant. Selina was waiting for him with today's score which wasn't much. "Hey. How's work?" "Tiring!" Sylas Said taking off his colored Contacts and his red haired wig. You see Selena and Sylas may be twins but thats where their similarities end. While Selina was born with black hair and hazel green eyes, Sylas was born with white hair and vibrant emerald green eyes. But they didn't question it. "We are going Shopping tomorrow." Sylas said tossing her the roll of Cash and Showing her the Gala tickets. "The Wayne's Gala?" "And the Perfect opportunity to score big. We will steal a few things and be set for life. We go, and our lives will change forever." Sylas stated as Selina agreed.

The time came to attend the Wayne's Gala. Sylas was wearing a nice he black and white. Suit with his red wig and blue contacts and Selina was weasing a cute black dress.

when they arrived at the door they were met by a tall, thin older man, with a balding head, Pencil mustache and butler uniform. "Invitations?" He spoke in a british accent. Sylas gave him the invitations only for the butler to give him a questionable look. "I work for Mr. Falcone, my name is Jimmy Olsen. Mr. Falcone couldn't make it so he sent me in his place."

"Fortunately. Mr. Falcone called to inform that you would be coming. Do enjoy yourselves."

"Thank you, Mr?" "Pennyworth. Alfred Pennyworth" "Thank You, Alfred." The two walked in and were amazed by the size of the place. It was huge. "Wow!" Selina Said. "Hey remember the plan. Pickpocket some of these rich snobs and were good, and don't get caught, especially by the butler." Sylas whispered as the two then split up.

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