Season 1 Chapter 4

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Goldys POV

I growled at tina as I pinned her,She growled back and pushed me and pinned me,I blushes a small bit and looked away

"I win"

She stands and helps me up and Ryan giggles

"You did good goldy"

Silver pats me,and I sit down

"Time for round 2,Tina vs Silver"

Tina growls and jumps at silver who dodges and tackles her and pins her,tina tries to push her off but fails,She sighs

"I give up"

Silver gets off her and smiles

"Nice try"

"Time for round 3"

"Who's going against sliver?"

Kat stands up and goes to silver

Tony giggles a small bit

"Good luck silver"

They growl and tackle each other and silver ends up pinning kat and then they start wrestling

Our dads soon walk over and clear there throats

Silver and kat stand and silver looks down

"We were having fun"

"As the oldest,You should be setting the example silver,not playing"

Tina growls a bit

"Sorry father"


I flinch at the sudden screaming,Tina and her dad started aguring

I look at silver as she growls and stomps the ground


Tina and her dad stare,I look at dad as he does to

"I'm sorry i broke the rules,I'll be in my room if you need me"

Silver leaves and the sound of the door closing is heard

I whine

"Why cant she have fun dad"

"I just dont want her to hurt her self.....not again"

"Wait,what do you mean not again?"

I sigh,and look at dad

"Back when silver and goldy were 5 they were playing,And I dont know what happen but she fell unconscious"(Richard)

"She was out for almost for 3 months"(goldy)

Tina looks at us then the door

"She wasn't the same after that,What made it worse is she stopped calling us by the nickname she gave us"(goldy)

"She gave you guys nicknames"(Ryan)

"Mhm,Mine was Golden sister,and dads was golden stone"(goldy)

"Why cant she have fun now then?"(tina)

"As a adult she should be responsible"(Richard)

"Your not being responsible"(Tina)

"What did you say?!"(Tina's dad)

Tina walked away and we follow her and the tv turns off,tina opened the door and we go inside and kat closes the door just before tony comes in,And the tv in silvers room turns on

"Silver,You okay"(Tina)

"Yeah,Thanks tina,But you didnt need to do that"(silver(

"Your my friend,Just like goldy"(silver)

Silver giggles and we all fall asleep next to each other after lots of talking

To be continued (short as of today because its Monday)

~Tina and Goldy~ ♡~My little wolf~♡Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum