Chapter 14-Hard To Swallow

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The panic in her face is so obvious as her eyes flicker between mine and a line forms in between her brows. "Sage...I know we have this...flirty vibe thing going on. And I appreciate you sharing your feelings with me last night. But...I'm not ready to date anyone yet. I'm sorry if I'm sending you mixed signals. I just want to be your friend."

Fucking ouch.

After swallowing the massive lump of rejection, my jaw muscles twitch in agitation, remembering her failed second date with that douchebag.

"Anyone or just me?" I straighten and fold my arms across my chest.

Her eyes snap to mine. "What?"

"You were going to go out with Rick if he hadn't canceled, right?"

She mirrors my stance and folds her arms. "It's not the same. And before you let your male ego get hurt, it's not you, it's me."

I scoff, my gaze sweeping up to the ceiling. "How? How exactly is it different? Besides, that dickhead only wants to get in your pants, Joanna."

"And you don't?"

My eyes shoot back to hers. It's insane how quickly I imagine picking her up and having my way with her on the counter, right here and now. Inhaling a few times to calm down, she backs up against the counter when I step forward.

"You're right. I would be lying if I told you I haven't thought about what it would feel like to have you under me as I sink into you balls deep." Her lips part with a gasp, arms uncrossing as she reaches behind her to steady herself, gripping the edge of the sink.

"I've jerked off to the image of you naked outside the steam room, more times than I think is normal. I don't want to be just your friend, Joanna. But..." With great effort I take a couple steps back to give her space. "I know you're still healing and don't trust easily after what your fucking ex did to you. Or...maybe it is just me..."

It dawns on me that she may not see me more than that, regardless of her reservations.

Well, shit. I feel like a complete asshole.

My gaze falls to the floor as clarity takes over, not being able to face the fucking pity I'm sure is on her face. "I'm...I'm sorry. I shouldn't be pressuring you like that. You've made it clear where you stand more than once, please forgive me. I'll finish cleaning up here, go ahead and get ready. I've taken up enough of your time as it is."

My eyes lift to hers, there's definitely pity in them, but also something else before she masks her emotions. She sidesteps me, picking up the bag Oli brought her, rushing back to my room without saying another word.

After I'm done setting the dishwasher, I walk back to my room to grab my phone that was charging. Checking my phone for messages, I respond to a few texts from my sister, Tanner and Obie. Throwing on a hoodie, I walk out of the closet but stop when a sound comes from the bathroom.

The shower is still running, and the image of a naked Joanna pops into my head. Stop torturing yourself.

I take a step away but freeze when the unmistakable sound of Joanna moaning within reaches my ears. Looking back at the door, I wait for a second. In my lust filled mind, I'm sure I conjured it. But then I hear it again. A low, quiet sensual moan; the sound hits its target, straight to my dick.

It doesn't take long for her moans—and imagining her pleasuring herself—to make my cock rock hard.

Realizing I don't want to be caught standing here, I walk in circles before I remember how to leave my own room, but not before my name reaches my burning ears with another sensual moan. 

By the time I'm in my home office I have a sheen of sweat on my forehead and collapse into my chair, leaning back into it.

Okay, calm down. She is into you, she's just scared. Understandably so, but the good news is she's into you.

My phone chimes. It's my sister letting me know they've made it home after extending her stay after our bout with food poisoning and she tells me she's leaving a detailed review on the restaurant's page. I send her a quick text and then focus on what I can do to convince Joanna to give me a chance.

I admit I'm fucking whipped, searching and reading articles on how to build trust and how to get out of the friend zone. On the bright side, it looks like I am and have been doing most of the things already that are listed.

Tell them how you feel. Check. I've made that pretty damn clear.

Be patient. That's not one of my strongest qualities, but I'm willing to try for her. After twenty minutes of reading, my head snaps up when there's a knock on the open door.

"Ready?" Joanna is in a black pantsuit, with white shirt that gives a small peek of her ample cleavage, paired in shiny heels.

She's so beautiful.

I nod my head, snapping my laptop closed.

Following her out of the apartment, my eyes find her hands full with the bag full of her clothes and I notice my clothes are in there as well.

"I'm going to wash your shirt and pants before I give them back to you." She tells me, noticing I was looking inside the bag.

"You don't have to do that."

"I want to." She shifts her purse on her shoulder.

"Did you forget your glasses?" Noticing she's not wearing them and take the other bag from her hand after I lock the door behind us.

"I wear contacts at work. I've lost too many pairs when I take them off to rub my eyes, so contacts are the safer choice. Even though I actually hate touching my eyes. It freaks me out."

"Hmm." I love learning new things about her. "Did you clean up Obie's room and do a load of laundry?" The blush painting her face is a dead giveaway. She's so damn cute.

"Just wanted to help."

Yep, she definitely likes you.

"What's with the cheesy smile, Coach?" She asks when we step into the elevator.

"Huh? Oh, I'm just happy to get back to the office. I love going to work." I keep the foolish grin on my face, choosing to ignore the quizzical look she's giving me. 


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