But, I heal. I won 't compromise and I heal. ★

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I'm So Sick (Demo) - Flyleaf

Guy who just finished playing Randy's route in Dialtown? This guy! I got the good ending! I LOVE RANDY SM <333333333

Okay so this story starts off with Gingi just randomly blabbing and shi then it skips to after Randy's good ending. I just felt that y'all should know that. Also Gingi becomes like obsessed with Randy here (in later chaps). I felt like it should be mentioned frequently. Its not like a yandere type thing tho lmao dw Its more of a "I love you and I have  to keep you safe" type of thing. Also I cross-posted this on ao3 so you can read it there too!

Randy was the biggest loser, earning the most pitiful person award seven years in a row. He lived in a dumpster, worked two jobs he hated and the worst of all? He was a virgin. Randy hated himself, he hated life and if anything, nothing ever went right for him. So, getting a call from a green cryptid on the same day he was planning to end his life wasn't part of his plan.

When Randy first met Gingi, he wasn't surprised that Gingi was just using him to get in. Although Jerry thought he was stupid for it, Randy couldn't help but bask in the presence of them. They at least talked to him, and even though it was mostly demanding , it wasn't mean . Gingi seemed to care a lot about their offspring and Randy couldn't blame them. But when Gingi didn't lay their eggs in the damp dark hole, Randy was sort of confused.

Instead, they'd decided to keep their eggs, saying that they just changed their mind. They wouldn't tell Randy exactly why. Instead opting to check out the fortune teller machine. Randy, like the loser he was, ran away.

But that didn't stop Gingi, oh no, they'd found a great place to lay their eggs. Where? Inside Randy of course! Randy wasn't the best option around buttttttttt Gingi liked his presence and he could keep their eggs safe inside him. A little work is gonna have to be done to get Randy to even attempt to fight for himself. (let alone both of their eggs.) Gingi believed he was saveable . (Plus they also liked messing with him, a lot.)

So the next day, they looked for Randy. They asked around town until they ended up at "Bunnys Burgers'' where they proceeded to sniff at the window. Which is exactly how they found out where Randy was. After realizing Gingi was at his dumpster door, Randy decided to open up about his sad backstory and how he ended up with "Fuckface" on his bandage. Which definitely wasn't part of the plan Randy had set for the day but he didn't expect Gingi to come back at all. Afterwards, Gingi strangely felt very close to Randy, feeling the need to protect him somehow. Gingi didn't know when this occurred or why he even felt this or what the feeling was but they HAD to be near him but if anything they weren't sleeping here.

Not when the swans could get to their nest, way too risky.

So, like any other cryptid, Gingi grabbed Randy forcefully and took off. Randy wasn't used to being manhandled so he simply froze when Gingi picked him up and carried him back to their tent. When Randy asked why, Gingi said it was simply because they desired to be around his mating partner a little longer. That's when it finally clicked in Gingis brain that they just loved being around Randy, so they let Randy spend the night. Even though their bed was a bit cramped, they somehow made it work.

Gingi always made it work.

Especially with Randy, even when the mugger appeared on the subway. Gingi did everything they could to somehow convince Randy to stand up for himself. It didn't work but Gingi wasn't going to tell Jerry that. They weren't going to just constantly shit talk Randy just because they could. Sure, they'd mess with him a bit, they messed with everybody . But they loved their mating partner with all their heart. Even if Randy was pretty pathetic and willingly gave his money to a mugger who didn't even have a loaded gun.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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