1 // new feelings

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"Finally starting the life of my dreams is harder than I thought" I mumbled through my teeth while bearing the elephant heavy boxes into my grandparents house.

It was hard to leave America, but I couldn't resist the offer to be a designer for such a big brand like FG. It have been a dream for me to start a real designer career since I was little, and now I finally got the chance and even for a very popular brand. Mom and dad wasn't happy about me moving to Korea though, they are never happy for me, I'm used to it. I'm lucky my grandparents still live in Seoul and was happy to take me in. For once I'm actually glad my parents made me learn Korean from a young age or this probably wouldn't be possible.

Lost in my thoughts I heard grandmas voice call "Soojin can you help me a bit?". I hurried with the last box and placed it in my new room before running into the kitchen where my grandma was.

"What do you need help with grandma?" I asked with a smile. She was in chance with making tteokbokki. She always maked tteokbokki when I visited her in the holidays.

"Can you please make the table ready for lunch dear?" I nodded and pulled out the plates from the cabinet and placed them on the the little table. Grandma and grandpa have always been so caring for me, more than my parents ever were. They always tried to take care of me when my parents weren't.

Grandpa entered the kitchen with some groceries. He gave grandma a soft kiss before he greeted me and sat down at the table with a big smile. They began small talking while I placed the flowers he had bought in a little vase. I love old love. The way they have been together for so long and still are completely in love. Growing old together and proving that love doesn't know of time.

I turned to place the vase on the table while sitting down. The tteokbokki tasted just like how I remembered it. Like a wave of warm feelings and memories. Grandpa repeated "Susu". I broke out of my thoughts and looked at grandpa who seemed to have been trying to reach me in some time. "sorry" I said with a little smile. My nickname is Susu.

"We were wondering if you still liked painting and drawing? We told one of our friends that you are an excellent artist. He owns this studio where he holds painting sessions and he invited you to come try it out here later today. Are you interested?" He asked with a wide smile on his face before taking another bite.

"Yeah I would love to! Thanks grandpa!" I thanked him while eating the rest of the tteokbokki. It could also be a good opportunity to meet some new friends with that same interest as I.

After lunch I quickly packed the most necessary stuff. A couple pencils, a notebook, an eraser. Then I took on my headphones and choose the Lana del ray playlist I made. Then I was off

(A/n : Playlist on Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7a0VQDdKR2PkQELLqP9BFl?si=ME63CzeoS-SWHMFUPNt8_w )

Seoul is pretty crowded but I'm used to it since I lived in New York with my parents. It's a little chilly since it's spring but the sun is shining and the flowers are almost blooming. I took a deep breath before continuing.

I love big cities. There's always lots of different people. Sometimes I get inspired to clothing or drawings when looking at people. Their clothes tells a story like the lady at the coffee shop all dressed up in suit. She's probably working and is just out to get lunch, maybe she's a CEO? I look to my right where I can see a couple of teenagers in school uniform. Both with the upper button unbuttoned and the shirt half hanging out of the pants. One of them with a couple bandages around his fist and a patch on his cheek. I assumed they're rebels and laugh a little to myself.

I made it to the studio my grandparents told me about. An old lady greeted me and introduced herself as ms. Kim, the owner of the studio. I told her about my grandparents and she quickly lights up in a welcoming smile. She looks like one of those ladies who have 5 cats and always have a cup of coffee at her side. She shows me into the room where some people already have settled at their stations in a round circle.

I sit down besides a girl who looks quite young, maybe she's skipping school to be here? I look around in the flower and painting covered room. The room has two enormous windows making sure we get lots of good lighting.

The last people settle down at their stations and ms. Kim prepare a sculpture in the middle for us to draw. As some people begin a boy walks into the room. Long black hair and full lips. We make eye contact and it feels like an electric chock. His eyes are so beautiful. He's... ethereal. He brake the eye contact when ms. Kim burst out "Hyunjin you're late, take a seat please." He bows before sitting down next to me.

He's like a dream boy.

While everyone begins drawing the sculpture in the middle I steal side eyes from the so called Hyunjin and decide to draw him. His beauty is worth capturing on paper. Though I don't feel like the way his aura mesmerise me will be able to be copied onto paper. I try anyways and ends up with a sketch

 I try anyways and ends up with a sketch

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I feel warm inside and full of energy. I should probably also feel a little nervous with such a beautiful man besides me but all I feel is relaxation as I analyse him. His so focused on his drawing. He's good too. It's like we're in our own little bubble without time. I study him and take in everything like a plant finding water in the middle of an dessert.

I snap back to reality when he begins packing his stuff and see that many others already left. He leaves while I still try to pack my stuff. I hurry as much as I can and already feel scared of separating with him.

When I come out of the building I quickly find him, but my smile fades. He yells at a girl my age. She's crying and try to get a word in. I can't really hear what they are saying since they're quite far away but I see the girl shaking her head and stretches her phone away from her. Then he takes her phone and... he throws it.

It crashes onto the floor and breaks. My mouth opens wide and I turn my back to get away. All the feelings I felt before was gone, he burst the bobble of calmness and replace it with anger. What a monster. He's like a Rose. So pretty to lay eyes on but has thorns that makes you bleed.
"What a jerk!..." I murmur.

Dream Boy // Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now