32: Tracking

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randomly dedication chapter to a commenter, fan, vote, comment, blah blah c;

500 comments, no spam? And please, if you haven't already, fan me? And of course vote x)

Love you all<3 

  Harry's P.O.V

  I stood, gaping at my phone in my trembling hands. For over an hour I had locked myself in the hotel bathroom, not willing to leave. I wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon, too. Everyone else had packed all of their belonging's in the tour bus and Paul was prepared to drag me out of the building if he had too.

  My throat burned from alcohol. Or maybe it was the screaming, I'm not exactly sure. All I know is that the woman I love is in danger and there hasn't been anything in my power that I could do.

  Until now.

  Almost immediately, I unlocked the door and opened it so fast that a gust of wind hit my straight in the face and blew some of my curls back. Sitting on the ground with swollen eyes was Louis, who I hadn't known had even been sitting there. He smiled at me sympathetically, and it took me all of my strength not to cry as he stood in front of me.

  Without warning, he pulled me in for a hug. It stunned me slightly, because only hours before he had witnessed me as a complete monster, and now here he was waiting on me. It made me feel like such a terrible friend, to be honest. But love makes a person go crazy.

  "I love you, Boobear." I cried. He was shaking from sobbing as well, and I was glad that we could have this moment together. From all of the Larry Stylinson rumors we have had to get separate apartments and keep our distance, but here in privacy we could be ourselves. And no, that wasn't gay. This was two best friends.

  "I think I know how we can find her, Lou. She just called me on her cell and I can get Paul and the police to try and track it." I said, stepping back with my hands firmly on his shoulders. His smile looked like a small boy's on Christmas morning, his teeth flashing and shining right at me that it made me feel like we were on one of those Colgate commercials.

  "Well why are we standing here, then? Paul!" Louis hollered, cupping his hands around his mouth to protect my ears from his booming voice. Before I knew what was happening, Louis was running down the hallway to Paul's room, and in my head a voice kept repeating.

  We're coming Darcy, we're coming.

  I promise.

  I will fight for you.

  The words sounded really cliche to be quite honest, but I didn't care. I was going to fight for her. And if it took my life to save hers, then so be it. I know that One Direction wouldn't be the same (it wouldn't without any of us), but through what's happened in the past few days I know that it's Darcy that I love, and once when Niall was hyped up on sugar he randomly quoted something from a book he read that said 'we fight for the ones we love'.

  Except he said dove, but I think he also had too much to drink.

  When we got to the end of the hallway, without warning Louis waltzed right into Paul's room. Paul was sitting at his computer, where he had been sitting for the past few hours trying to track Vanessa down. He raised an eyebrow at us when we approached him, and all I was able to do was reach out the phone.

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