Chapter IV "Strange happenings and Joining a club"

Start from the beginning

After that encounter, me and Wednesday where at Dr. Kinbotts office having our session, it was mostly just Wednesday and Kinbott arguing with each other talking about why Wednesday would "claim" to witness a murder, while I just sat there not trying to get involved in the drama that was happening around me. "But I want to know (Y/n), why would you agree with her," Kinbott said facing me "Because she's telling the truth, I saw the body with my own eyes, I saw the blood, I saw his dead eyes, and I saw the slash mark on his across his stomach!" I said getting a little pissed off at her. After what I had said Kinbott quickly stopped trying to talk to me and continued on trying to get Wednesday to talk but it was really getting no where and eventually we were finally allowed to leave an when we got out we bumped into Tyler "Guess you decided to stick around Jericho," he said to Wednesday as I was left confused on what he was talking about. He then looked at me and asked "You see Dr. Kinbott with her?" "Unfortunately," I simply responded as I walked along side Wednesday, Tyler then started trying to talk to Wednesday as I just listened and unknowingly becoming a little jealous "I could eat him if you want," the Wendigo said as I just ignored him and continued walking.

We were just walking until I heard Wednesday speak up "Everyone, including your father, believes I made it all up," "Not me," I said to her as she just looked at "Only because you were there," "Wouldn't you rather I believe you than believe that your crazy?" I responded in a sorta annoyed tone, Wednesday thought of it for a while until we both heard Tyler's phone buzz. "Time to get in touch with my inner rebel," we heard Tyler say as he walked off, but not before saying to Wednesday "You know, for the record, I believe you," I just became even more jealous as I heard the Wendigo say "I'll wait until you tell me to," "I don't think she even wants a relationship," I said to him as I walked by Wednesday back to Nevermore.

I eventually split off from her and walk towards my dorm as I heard my stomach growl again 'can't he just leave me alone for one day,' I said as I walked inside to be greeted by Eugene "Hey, how was your therapy," he asked "You know, some useless questions to get me in an even worse situation than before," "Can't really get much worse of a situation than this," the Wendigo said as I just ignored. I was minding my own business mostly just staring at my phone when Eugene suddenly spoke "I heard your violin play last night," "Really?" I asked looking away from my phone "How was it?" I asked "Amazing, it really relaxed me," he said as I just smiled and went back to doing my own thing.

After a while Eugene spoke up again but this time with a little bit of a nervous tone "Hey, can I ask a question?" "You just did," I said chuckling "Well can I ask two questions?" He asked again "You just did," I said chuckling to myself even more "Fine, four questions?" "No" "Why?" He asked as I my chuckle turned into a small laugh "You just did," Eugene then looked at me with a serious face as I finally stopped messing with him.  "Be my guest," I said, but just before he could get a word out our window suddenly started cracking 'What the hell,' I just thought to myself before turning my full attention to him "So, I was wondering if... you would join the hummers club," after hearing this question I was a little surprised but, I just smiled at him as I already knew my answer.  Just before I was able to respond I was quickly put into my mind state and the Wendigo appeared "No," "Why not?" I asked with a smirk "You know I don't do bugs," "And I also know they can't really kill you," I said in response "JUST BECAUSE I'M A TALL ASS CREATURE DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T FEEL FEAR," I just laughed at him as I snapped out and responded to Eugene's question "I would love to join," I said as I saw him smile "FUUUUUUUCK".

We made our way to Eugene's hive nest and put on bee keeper clothes while the entire time I heard the Wendigo try to talk me out of it, but of course I ignored him like always and when we finally walked out I saw a familiar goth girl standing and looking around, me and Eugene went up to her as Eugene introduced himself and Wednesday noticed me.  "Interesting seeing you here," Wednesday said in her usual cold voice "I could say the same for you," I retorted with "You guys already know each other?" Eugene questioned "Yup," I simply responded "Am I late or is it only you two?" she asked while me and Eugene stayed silent "The hive live isn't for everyone," Eugene answered.  "Most kids are afraid of venomous insects," "Your telling me," I just mentally face palm myself at the Wendigo comment and continued listening to what Eugene and Wednesday were talking about.  "Are you willing to feel the sting?" I heard Eugene finish as I looked towards Wednesday to see a faint smile slowly appear and after that she entered the shed then exited wearing a bee keeper suit "Looking good," I jokingly say as she just glared at me "well you tried," "Shut up," I quietly said to him as Eugene went on about a bunch of bee facts.

While I was listening to Eugene we both looked behind us to see Wednesday had vanished and we both looked around before sighing simultaneously at her sudden disappearance "Just keep going, I'm still here, I won't let you 'Bee' alone," I said making Eugene laugh as he went on about his bee facts.  I started to enjoy my friends facts and actually enjoyed myself despite not really understanding what he meant in half of them, but what I enjoyed the most was the Wendigo's almost constant panic attacks every time a bee got near me and just him screaming from the top of his lungs yelling random cuss words.

After our club meeting was done and it was time for class and I left to go to my biology class I was just sitting at my desk waiting for class to start when suddenly Wednesday came up to me and took a seat next to me "Why take this seat?" I asked as she just ignored my question as class started.  While a little into the class I suddenly entered my mind state and the Wendigo appeared "You just had to join the hummers, didn't you?" "Shut up it's in the past now," I said back "What else do you know about that creature?" I asked as I awaited a response "Not much, I only know it's features and weaknesses," after hearing the word weaknesses I immediately started asking questions.  After a while of question asking and answer receiving I was eventually snapped out by Ms. Thornhill asking me a question "(Y/n), have you been paying attention?" "Yea, why?" I lied as she responded "then I guess you could tell me the name of this beauty," she said while signaling to a white flower in a glass container.

After she said that I immediately froze up until the Wendigo became my savior "Dendrophylax lindenii, other wise known as the ghost orchid," I quickly echoed his words as Ms. Thornhill looked at me with a surprised look "I guess you were paying attention," I give a quick sigh of relief before asking the Wendigo "How did you know," "I know my way around plants," he says while sounding a pit proud.

After class I went back to the shed where Eugene was waiting for me as I put on my gear and join him as we worked around the bugs giving the Wendigo even more of a reason to hyperventilate and after a while of working Wednesday and Enid showed up "Well, didn't expect you to come back after last time," I said while Wednesday ignored me but Enid greeted me.  After Enid got changed into her bee keeper suit, Wednesday came up to me and said "I need you to come with me," "Why?" I asked confused "Cause you are the only person, other than me, who saw Rowan's dead body," she said while dragging me out the shed and heading into the forest.


A/n: By the time I'm finishing this it's 10:24 on a Friday so expect tomorrow to be full of story updates, if I'm not lazy, anyways hope you liked this chapter and see you in the next one.

The Killers Mirror//Wednesday x Male 'Wendigo' ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now