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(a/n : I have no motivation help its 7pm I haven't slept in 2 days /srs)


"Is this Jupiter?" 

Shock is the only thing going through Jupiter's mind. Hard to believe that just the past day he raided with thousands of viewers, and now here he is. Calling him. Physically shaking, Jupiter answers.

"Uh- uhm- hello? Yes it's me, Jupiter. Are you Ranboo?"

"Yes, hello! This is indeed Ranboo, the one and only! How are you today?" the voice replies, shaking Jupiter to his core. Ranboo's voice was deeper than Jupiter's, which wasn't much of a surprise. Hearing his voice made Jupiter's stomach jump, but in a good way. 

"I'm doing well, thank you! I'm just about to start stream!" Jupiter replies, sitting in his chair and rolling it over to his pc. Booting up twitch, he checks OBS and has his starting soon screen up. Skipping every song in his playlist until hitting undertale songs, he settles on Fallen Down. He mutes himself and Ranboo so chat can't hear him, however he and Ranboo still talk.

"Have you started?" Ranboo asks, moving his microphone.

"Yeah, why?"

"I've started mine as well."

Jupiter nods, then realizes he can't see him.


The song ends, and Jupiter immediately speaks. Taking his starting soon screen off, the chat is met with his face. He was wearing a slightly-bigger-than-him sweater, and he had messy bed head hair. Ranboo immediately complements him on his hair, which sends Jupiter into a spiraling mess. Pulling his knees to his chest, he pulls his hood up. Feeling the heat dust his cheeks, he lays his head on his arms, an attempt to block chat from seeing. After a moment, Ranboo takes a minute to go do do something. Jupiter takes this time to advertise twitch priming, tell a joke, and start talking about his neighbor. 

"And my neighbor is pretty cool. He and his sister came over to my house to give me brownies. As you guys should know, I moved in recently. He said his names Tubbo on Twitch."

Little did he know, Tubbo was watching.

And Ranboo heard him talk about Tubbo.

•Only With You• | RANBOO x OC | DISCONTINUED, GETTING REWRITTEN.Where stories live. Discover now