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Regulus' pov

1. September 1971          

I promise I won't forget you over the year.
I'll write you a thousand letters so you won't forget me either"

„How could I ever forget you?"

That was it.
The last conversation Rose would have with her big brother.
Her brother was the most important person in her life, her role model, the person Rose aspired to be.

Growing up in Grimmauld place the two did not have anyone else since their parents weren't the most loving people on earth.
Rose had always been their favorite but it never affected sirius' love for her.

Now Sirius was off to Hogwarts and left his little sister behind in their cold, loveless home.

Right before he left from platform 9 3/4 they made a pact:
They would never let each other down

But Rose was still worried.
What if Sirius found someone better than her and would leave her forever.

One year and Rose would follow him.

They could escape the horror of growing up as a part of the black family together.


The first letter came on the same evening.
Rose wasn't allowed to read it herself but she could imagine what it was about.

Against all expectations sirius got sorted into griffindor.
Every member of the black family had been in slytherin so far and even though sirius had never been quite like most of their family Rose still thought that sirius would end up there as well.

When their parents heard they were absolutely not thrilled.

They let Sirius know how disappointed they were as they sent an angry letter back to Hogwarts.

After this incident Sirius rarely sent letter to his family and if he did they were mostly addressed to Rose.
She was always absolutely excited if a new letter came in which Sirius told her about his friends, his classes and his adventures at Hogwarts.

Sirius spoke a lot about his new roommates that he quickly got very close to.
He especially talked about a guy called James Potter who Sirius declared to be his new best friend.


The months passed by and it was finally time for Sirius to come home for Christmas break.

Rose and her parents picked him up at platform  9 3/4 and they came right in time to see Sirius saying goodbye to his classmates.

Rose recognized some of the such as Remus lupin, Peter pattigrew and of course James potter.

She recognized him by his wild, curly hair and the big, round glasses that gave a perfect view on his hazel eyes.

Rose didn't know what to feel.
She hadn't seen her brother smiling like he was right now with his friends in a long  time and it obviously made rose happy to see Sirius this joyous but on the other hand it made her feel empty.
Sooner or later she was gonna get replaced by a funnier, and more loving group of people.

Rose shoved the negative thoughts aside as Sirius and James slowly started to approach into their direction.

You could practically see how the happiness and joy left Sirius' body as he saw Orion and Walburga.
Unlike James who started smiling widely as he was greeted with love and affection by his family Sirius was greeted with a cold handshake by Orion and an rather awkward hug by Walburga.

The only one that seemed happy to see Sirius was his little sister whose smile seemed to light up the entire train station as Sirius hugged her tightly.

It made rose feel a warmth inside her that she hadn't felt in the several months that Sirius was away.

James' pov

Since he parted from his friends at Christmas break he couldn't stop thinking about how his new best friend Sirius was welcomed by his Family.

During their months at Hogwarts Sirius seemed like the most careless and happy person to ever exist but when they started to approach the black family his shoulders tightened and James could see fear in his friend's eyes.

Sirius had told him that he had never been their parents favorite and they were most certainly not happy to hear that he got sorted into griffindor but he still expected them to love their child in some way and be happy to see him after months.

But the only one that seemed to be excited to see him was his little sister.

Sirius had told his friends a lot about her.
She was the reason that Sirius put up with his parents  so Rose could have a better childhood than he had.

Sirius had already parted from his parents but he and rose were still talking.

He could see tears in little Rose's eyes which activated a strong protective feeling inside James.

He would love to meet Sirius' sister someday even though he couldn't quite explain why.
She didn't look interesting or somehow nice rather a little cold like her parents.

But seeing her being vulnerable like this made her so much more likable to James.

Next year he'd be able to properly meet her.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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