Their spar begins when he makes the first attack and is knocked down.

Recovering quickly, he deflects an attack and begins trading blows with Pyrrha until she knocks him back with her shield

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Recovering quickly, he deflects an attack and begins trading blows with Pyrrha until she knocks him back with her shield.

Ruby: Hey, your friend's doing pretty good.

Emerald gives a fake smile and then rolls her eyes as Ruby turns her back.

Mercury unleashes a series of powerful strikes. Pyrrha allows his kick to slam against her forearm before Mercury manages to disarm her,

 Pyrrha allows his kick to slam against her forearm before Mercury manages to disarm her,

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a kick impaling her blade into the ground. Pyrrha uses her Semblance to redirect the direction of Mercury's next kick. As she charges him with her shield, he shoots off of it and turns his back to her. Pyrrha tries to rush him again.

Mercury: (non-chalant) I forfeit.

Pyrrha almost stumbles as she stops beside him

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Pyrrha almost stumbles as she stops beside him.

Pyrrha: You... don't even want to try?

 don't even want to try?

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RWBY Volume 1-9 OCWhere stories live. Discover now