"Yes!" The other squealed. "Who was that slut?"

I huffed out; My jaw dropping. **I am not a slut!**

"I don't know, I never got a good look at her face. She sort of looked like that one nerd..." She trailed off. "Shoot! I can't think of her name. What's that girls name again?"

**Please don't remember my name. Please don't remember my name.**

"Like I care." The other girl snapped. "I just don't understand why Drew hasn't been answering my calls? He's been ignoring me completely, and then out of know where he has enough balls to finally show up to school with some whore over his shoulder!? That bitch needs to learn not to mess with my man. Amy! " the girl shouted talking to who I'm assuming is 'Amy'.

"Yes!" Amy answered quickly.

"Find out who that slut is!" She squealed. "And by lunch! I want to know who she is, and where she came from! Got it?"

Amy responded. "Yes.. Brooklyn."

"Good. Then I will see you at lunch, and DON'T be late!"

I waited until I couldn't hear them anymore. When they where gone I eased my self off of the door, and slowly turned the knob. I looked out into the hallway, and they were both gone.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. Im so confused.. did I really just hear that correctly? Brooklyn is trying to find.. Me?

Brooklyn is one of the 'populars'. She's very beautiful, has silky long brown hair, and green eyes. She's the hottest chick in our school, and Drew's EX girlfriend. Well.. At least that's what I've heard.

**How could I have forgotten about her?**

Yes Brooklyn is one of the populars, but she's not like the others. She's extremely caring, and non- judgmental. She's ALWAYS nice to everyone. Including the 'nerds'... including Me.

She's honestly the only popular that I've never been intimidated by. That's why I'm so confused. I've never heard her be such a bitch before. I had no idea that she had a 'wannabee' At her side either.

**Poor Amy.**

For some reason I always thought she was against having one.. but clearly not. It was as if she's a completely different person behind closed doors. She seemed just like the others. It was intimidating; scary almost.

Confused, I quickly headed for the near by restrooms. Suddenly I got the most brilliant plain on how to get out of this situation.

Knowing that I was going to need help on this plain I took my phone out of my back pocket, scrambled through my contacts, found her name, and sent a quick text to the only person that I could tell this secret too. The only person that I could rely on.

-Ashley! I need your help. meet me in the girls restrooms A.S.A.P!-


"What? What's wrong? Are you okay? Did somebody hurt you?" Ashley shouted storming into the restroom.

I jumped startled, but waited for her to finish. She rushed over to me, and examined my face. She then reached down pushed up the sleeves of my sweater, lifted one arm checked it out, and then repeated the process with my other arm.

Preventing my self to shake my head I laughed at her in silence.

"You don't look hurt?" She questioned confused.

Giggling I said "What are you talking about Ashley?"

"Well.. In the text you said you needed my help! I figured you were getting beat up... I'm guessing.. I'm wrong?" She ducked her head shyly.

The Things He Does To MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora