It didn't take much time and i went back upstairs to fix our bed. Im an all around wife now not just some office worker

" Mikey don't sleep in the shower!"

After a few minutes he came out as the towel was wrapped around his lower body

" I didn't"

"Hurry and I'll wait for you downstairs"

"Hurry and I'll wait for you downstairs"

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.


The meeting with the russian sindicate went well and the executives of bonten are now having an aftermath rest before going into their own missions or task for the day

In the round table of these men, their intrusive thoughts always win without any specific reason at all

" Guys i need advice, im having panic attacks lately" kokonoi opened the conversation tapping his hands on the table feeling anxious

"About what?" Takeomi asked blowing a smoke

" Money. " Everyone looked at him confusingly

"What does it feel like? I never experienced that before" mochi voiced out his curiosity pouring water on his glass

"An orgasms evil twin" mikey calmly answered with a stoic face

" How did you know that boss?" Kaku interfeared

" You asked, i gave you an answer no more further inquiries."

"You can do something memorable to ease your anxiety " sanzu sitting his head in the table surprisingly gave a good suggestion

"Never knew his mind is actually woking" rindou whispered to himself

"I agree you can go cliff jumping, sky diving , or climb a freaking flag pole. Things like that" Ran gave out ideas while resting his cheeks in his palm

" One day you'll actually be forgotten by the universe for eternity so what's the point of doing those things" mikey spoke out

" Boss, thats deep and agonizing "

Sanzu lift his head up and stated, "i wont be forgotten if i eat the Mona lisa tho"

Mochi sighed deeply, " I'll be leaving for a business trip for Morocco this afternoon and this shit is what i last hear of you"

Takeomi amd mochi stood up and walked out the room saying they're be attending businesses

" Why isn't y/n with you today boss?" Koko who is suddenly painting his nails black asked

"Hey you got extra?" Ran asked koko and he brought out another five black nail polish from his pockets and each of them got one

"Spill the tea mikey"

Who would believe that the number one crime organization in japan is now having their tea time painting their nails while police can't even catch them? Damn these guys are built different

"We had a fight"

The five executives were so intrigued to hear Their boss' story since its the first time he would actually speak up, moved theri chairs closely to each other so they can hear him well. Even the most normal kakucho joins them too

" I told you that woman is no good! She gives off a weird aura" bonten's no. 2 commented while carefully applying the nail polish. They were all busy with their nails even mikey

" What do you mean?"

" I remember she when she taught you were homeless... I was literally dying inside that time" kakucho explained since he was actually with mikey but in distance that time

"I wish i was there too must be hilarious" koko added

"She's a woman who can beat up a guy and I don't like it"

"That's because you gave mikey cocaine that time you idiot of course she would beat you up" Ran uttered

" I think she slapped me this mornig so she could wake me up though"


" How come you had a fight? Earlier in the morning she even fed you" Rindou asked as he wiped the excess polish

"It was after that" mikey finished painting his left hand and started to apply on the right one " i called her a bitch"

Everyone gasped by what they heard but mikey stayed a stoic calm face

" Why did you do that??"

" It wasn't me, it was actually my dark impulses..."


" Wait hold on, she doesn't like that? I taught girls like being called a 'bitch'" ran questioned looking so lost

" Only literal bitches liked to be called a bitch Ran. Dont compare a wife to your bitches you airhead" Koko rolled his eyes

" Did you apologize immediately?" Rindou asked mikey. He nod "yes i did"

"Then what?"

" She slapped me with her tits.. Isn't she so nice?"

 Isn't she so nice?"

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.
𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘, 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘 | M. Sano ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz