"I'm so tired. I don't want to move." Doc chuckled before hitting the tab button. "Guys were the only ones here."

Grian opened the menu when Doc said that and blinked. "We are....should we just...head to bed or get this done?"

No one answered and he sat up looking around. He saw the two asleep and he smiled tiredly. "We'll do this tomorrow." he laid back down and closed his eyes going to sleep. The shopping district was lit up, so monsters barely spawned there. So he expected a somewhat peaceful night's sleep. Expected.

His dream started as the last one did. The day of his exile. But it was before it. The horrid silence of the cell he was trapped in, the incredibly dim light in the room that hurt his eyes, the cold sting of metal shackles and the constant drips of water in the corner. He looked around, trying to pull the shackles off of his wrists and his neck. It seemed all too real. He wanted to scream, but he just couldn't. His throat was raw. He could taste blood every time he went to swallow. The more he tugged at his binds, the more they stun. The silence was deafening. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears. He was scared, but he was also enraged.

He was a loyal Watcher for how long and now he was here. He was sitting in this blasted cell, alone. He had already been here for less than a week. Confined in this small space. Alone.

His head shot up looking towards the bars, hearing the creaking of a door and the heavy footsteps of someone walking towards him. The anger dissipated, replaced with disabling terror when he realized what it meant.

"ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓵ𝙹⚍リᓵ╎ꖎ ⍑ᔑᓭ ᒲᔑ↸ᒷ ᔑ ↸ᒷᓵ╎ᓭ╎𝙹リ, ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ." They said as they opened the cell door.

That's when he woke up. It was still dark, but he could tell he wasn't outside. He wasn't at the shopping district or his own home. He groaned at a splitting headache and slowly sat up. He squinted in the dark and realized he was in Ren's base. Why am I in his room? He thought, the confusion dulling his panic only a little. He shuffled out of bed and wrapped the blanket around him, before heading out hearing murmuring.

He followed it downstairs groggily, having to put a hand on the wall to keep him steady. He saw Ren, Doc, Pearl, Scar and Xisuma sitting near the fireplace. He could catch some of the conversations. "I'm really concerned. What's happening to him..." Pearl murmured quietly. "I don't know but we're all worried about him." Doc nodded.

"G-Guys....?" He was hesitant to speak, the sensation of his raw throat still fresh. Fading quickly. His friends jumped hearing him and Pearl ran to him pulling him into a hug. "You're shaking...." She sniffled and pulled him to the couch.

"What's going on? Why was I in your room Ren?" He looked at them, sitting on his hands to stop them from shaking more. "What happened?"

"We ended up all falling asleep out in the shopping district centre and in the morning I tried waking you up. You were freezing cold and wouldn't stir. Nothing. I woke Ren up and we kept trying until we told these guys." Doc motioned to Scar and Pearl.

"Then they got me online and I knew something was wrong. You were like that when you were at my place so I had them bring you here. Grian you were asleep for two days...." Xisuma leaned against the hearth. Grian just stared at them for several moments. He couldn't believe it.

"No..what? I....two days?" He blinked and shook his head. "Two days?! what....but.....what..."

His head was spinning. Calm down Grian. Take a breath... He told himself and looked at Xisuma. He pulled the blanket closer to him and closed his eyes, shaking his head. "I was....out? Just like that for two days?"

"Yeah...but we should talk about this later. You need time to process this and just some time to relax. No errands or chores for a bit, okay?" Doc sat beside Ren. He nodded and inhaled shakily looking at Pearl and Scar, really concerned.

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