|29| Sofia's Secret Part 6: The Name Is Kyrie

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Opening Song:


The News in the television is showing Lieutenant Phoebe's live interview at the Ozone Resort Bombing.

"I don't believe on her. The fact that she only became a Lieutenant based mainly because General Ace like her," Major Agatha exclaims. 

"The Ozone declared that President Malcolm is dead and the blame is against the Allied Force of Ozone Space Country. What to expect if the Ozone Allied Force claims they are truly rebels of the Space Country? So they think that the public will also believe the blame against them? This scenario is so common in a group of rebels. Even if they do not claim it? That they've done it? Will people believe?" She continues. Looks like she has a point.

"Hhhmmm, we will see the truth by the time the President's daughter appears alive," Major Lexus said who pauses and watch the news.

"You are right. She is the only witness, Princess Sofia Angelhope," Major Agatha agrees. And they have a point.

"Looks like this news trends all over the Galaxy after 24 hours of the incident," Major Lexus stated which is true that the death of President Malcolm, its news outburst the net and news all around the galaxy after a day.

"Looks like this news trends all over the Galaxy after 24 hours of the incident," Major Lexus stated which is true that the death of President Malcolm, its news outburst the net and news all around the galaxy after a day

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"So what is next in Earth Federation?" Major Agatha asks. This is an intriguing question pertaining to who will replace President Malcolm the fact that he is already dead.

"The Vice President will step up to presidency. The Vice President, Vice President Lorna Dewinter. That's the legal way," Major Lexus explains well while watching Lt. Phoebe's lies in an interview.

"I see..." Major Agatha said and is convinced.

" Major Agatha said and is convinced

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