Chapter Fifteen

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HEYYYYY Guess who's back??!! It me!! I just want to say a HUGE thank you to all you lovely readers; the support for this story has been unreal and I'm eternally grateful for it; I literally couldn't even put it into words. I'm doing a lot better now and I'm in a much better head space and ready get back into the wonderful world of this story. I have slightly changed a sentence in chapter 11 (The flashback of winter) just to include Ada's medical knowledge because it was bugging me that I missed it the first time. It's just a little change and it doesn't really change the chapter in any. It was just something I needed to change from a writers POV if that makes sense. Anyway thank you for sticking with me for so long; you incredible people make my day with your support/comments etc... its readers like you that really keep me motivated to continue writing so thank you for that.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and it doesn't disappoint as it's taken me a while to get back into the swing of things so hopefully I'm not too rusty and it's not a let down. Love yous lots hope you enjoy the chapter ❤️

They'd been driving for what felt like hours and they were running out of road. Tommy had managed to follow Joel's tracks from the gate, although at times it had been difficult with the rain washing most of them away. Eventually they followed their way out towards the ski lift outpost; only to be greeted with disappointment when they found the place empty. There were signs of life however; muddy boot and hoof prints dried to the floor from the storm that had now passed. The crumbs of half eaten carrots litter the ground and open cans of stew left scattered along one of the tables near the recently lit fire pit. Dina moved to inspect it; taking a hold of the spoon left in the pan, both stuck together by the burnt remains of the leftover stew sticking to the bottom of it.

"Well; at least we know he was definitely here." Dina joked awkwardly trying to lighten the mood a little. But Tommy didn't see the funny side; his nostrils flaring in frustrated anger as he stomped forward kicking at the table, sending the empty cans sputtering across the floor.

"Goddamn it!" He yelled. The sound echoing through the dead quiet. Ada and Dina both flinched at the outburst. The older woman moved towards him, placing a tentative hand on his shoulder in a feeble attempt to calm him.

"Taking it easy Tommy." She tried but he threw his shoulder aggressively, shrugging her away as he whipped around on his heel to face her. "Easy?!" He barked. "We keep just missing him, how the fuck are we supposed to find to him when he had a two day head start?!"

Ada signed deeply trying to ignore the sting of Tommy's spurn. She knew he didn't mean it. He was tired. They all were. And frustrated and worried about Joel. It was hard not to lose your temper at the situation; especially one that was more of less of their own making. She and Tommy blamed themselves for basically driving Joel away from Jackson in the first place. Even now Ada was rerunning their last conversation over and over again in her head. Her guilt twisting in both her stomach and tightening within her chest at all the things she could've said instead. But that kind of thought would get her nowhere now. She needed to focus on the here and now. And the only thing that mattered was bringing Joel home.

She took another breath; her eyes searching the room for any more signs that Joel may have left behind. "We just have to be smart about this." She wondered aloud as she continued looking. "When we move on, we have to be certain we're headed in the right direction."

"And how the hell are we supposed to do that?! Huh?" Tommy scoffed bitterly, throwing his hands up in defeat. "We don't even know where Joel's going!"

She turned back towards her brother in law; her mind scrambling desperately for an idea or a lead. Her eyes staring down intensely at the floor before glancing back up at Tommy. "Well maybe he's going back to Boston? You talked about your time in the QZ right?" She offered hopefully. Tommy's lip curled in disdain at her idea; pacing back and forth.

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