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Danny was walking along a beautiful path in the woods, even though he hated hiking. He had lost a bet, so he ended up doing something he hated a lot. He was anticipating nothing but sheer boredom and annoyance, so when he heard something crashing around in the woods up ahead, it caught his attention.

He kind of wanted to run, but he didn't. Maybe this could be his debut in a horror movie as the dumb character that got killed off first.

Danny crept towards the source of the sound, not knowing what he would find. He expected either a human or a large animal, so he tried to stay quiet. When he finally peeked around the large tree in front of him, he was shocked by what he saw.

"What the fuck?"

In front of him stood none other than Peppa Pig herself.

It was horrifying.

She stood at a height of what looked like six feet, and her face . . . oh god, her face.

Danny understood why the cartoon never showed her face directly from the front, always from the side.

Peppa had four eyes, two on each side. She also had four nostrils, two on each side. Danny didn't think anything could get scarier than facing a previously two-dimensional cartoon character in 3D.

Peppa was jumping around and yelling in a voice that echoed through the forest. 

"MUDDY PUDDLES!" she screamed, stomping in a tiny little patch of mud. She landed with a thud that shook the ground. Danny wobbled at the force. It felt more like a dinosaur had fallen instead of a six-foot pink cartoon pig jumping around.


Danny wanted to run but found himself glued to the ground. He made a small sound of panic at the realization of that, and Peppa's head whipped around like a shark that caught the scent of blood. All four eyes widened upon seeing him. And then . . .

"What the fuck?"

Was she blushing?

"OH MY GOD, ARE YOU DANNY PHANTOM EXE?" she hollered, hopping towards him eagerly. The ground went boom boom boom boom.

Danny winced from her high volume, frantically looking around for cover. Not knowing what else to do, he scrambled up a tree that was conveniently located right next to him and perched on the branch, looking down at Peppa like a vulture.

" . . . uh, yes," he answered hesitantly. He was stuck, so it's not like his situation would improve if he lied. Might as well be honest.

"OH MY GOD, I'M SUCH A HUGE FAN!!!" she squealed.

Danny stared at her in horror.


Danny didn't know what to say. " . . . I don't have a marker or pen," he finally decided on.

Peppa pouted. She fucking pouted. "Will you fight me?"

Danny blanched. "Say what now?"

Peppa was excited. She was jumping up and down again. Kaboom kaboom kaboom kaboom. "Fight me! And if you won't fight me, I won't let you leave!"

Well shit. Danny was well and truly stuck now. He could try running or jumping through the trees ninja-style, but both of those options left him more likely to end up with a broken bone instead of safely at home. Besides, maybe Peppa would follow him regardless. She had four nostrils. She was probably pretty good at tracking.

"Okay," he said slowly. "Say we fight. What are the rules?"

Peppa grinned and whipped out two gigantic swords. "WE SWORD FIGHT!" she screamed.

Danny flinched at the volume. Then he took a closer look at the swords and his eyes narrowed. "Are those . . . Inosuke cosplay swords?"

Peppa looked down at the ground, embarrassed. "What can I say, I'm a bit of a weeb," she admitted. Then she threw a sword at him, which he just barely dodged but lost his balance in the process.

Danny fell out of the tree and landed on his ass. "OW! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?"

Peppa shrugged. "We each need a sword to fight. You were up in the tree. How else was I supposed to give it to you?"

Danny could only stare.

Then Peppa ripped off her dress. Underneath was a Demon Slayer uniform. How the hell she'd managed to hide that, Danny had no clue. Then again, he was about to sword fight a six foot tall giant pink cartoon pig with a British accent.

"CHARGE!" Peppa howled suddenly, leveling the blade at Danny and running full speed towards him, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM.

"Fuck!" Danny hissed, scrambling out of the way. He rushed to where the other sword had ended up, looking over his shoulder when he heard a massive crash. Peppa had missed Danny (thank god) and slammed into the tree instead.


Danny kind of just watched as she let go of the sword stuck in the tree and took a few steps back. Then his eyes widened as she ran forward and karate-kicked the tree. It split in half. KABLAM!  Peppa pulled the sword out with a scary smile of satisfaction. Danny grabbed his sword and lifted it. He tried to hold it the way he had learned as a child in karate, but the sword was Peppa-Pig-sized and a little too big to do so comfortably.

"FUCKY DUCKY!" he yelled, abandoning the sword on the ground and climbing a tree again. Usually he hated climbing, just like all physical activities, but today he seemed to have a particular penchant for it.

"WHY DO YOU KEEP CLIMBING THE FUCKING TREES?" Peppa shouted as she ran toward him again.

Danny climbed higher. "YOU'RE RUNNING AT ME WITH A FUCKING SWORD!" he screeched back.


Danny paled as she drew nearer and swung the sword. It sliced neatly through the trunk of the tree and the tree teetered and began to fall. He screamed in terror as Peppa's maniacally grinning face got closer and closer. He closed his eyes and waited for the end.

The tree landed with a massive THUMP  that was even louder than Peppa's footsteps. The force of the impact shook Danny out of the branches and into a heap on the ground. He coughed, waving away the dust that had risen. He wondered why Peppa hadn't killed him yet.

Then he opened his eyes.

The gigantic tree was lying on the forest floor. A smudge of pink was visible underneath it.

That's why Peppa hadn't killed him.

Peppa Pig was dead.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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