Chapter 365. Talk with Jorey, a common merchant.

Start from the beginning

The innocent Sierra ordered by the currently cute-acting dragoness: 'miss, it was her who told me to flatten you to the ground with my aura. I was the merciful one!'

Yasenia faked growling sounds and wagged her tail. "Miss, you are so comfy~."

The woman squealed, forgetting about her resentment, and said. "You are very cute, darling. I would really love to take you with me. Sadly, your master is probably very against it."

Cecile said coldly. "You are right, so keep it light."

The fox woman rolled her eyes and retrieved a piece of raw meat dripping with blood from her spatial ring. "Here, darling, a little treat. I bet you'll like it."

Yasenia saw a piece of raw red meat from an unknown animal appearing in the woman's hand and blinked twice. 'Raw meat?' It was fist-sized, so it was indeed suitable for a treat.

Yasenia curiously sniffed the piece of meat and found that it smelled sweet and quite lovely. Under the speechless eyes of our girls, Yasenia opened her mouth and chomped on the raw piece of meat.

Yasenia chewed slowly, and the sweet blood taste and texture made Yasenia truthfully squint, making the fox woman's and our group's hearts pound at her cuteness. 'So cute I want to die!'

The fox woman looked up to the others and was instantly paralyzed with fear. 'Why are their gazes so intense!?'

How could she know that she had discovered something they didn't know, and the fact that a random person found Yasenia's new trait made them extremely pissed and jealous!

Cecile asked with a freezing voice, making even the spectators want to grab a warm blanket. "Have you finished? We want to keep going."

The woman wanted to cry but didn't have tears! She wanted to flee, but she was still interested in the red-eyed human and, now, Yasenia, so she said. "I-I won't try to buy them anymore, but I see you all are quite new. How about traveling together? I swear I won't plan to do any tricks! I really just want to spend a little more time with the cute darling here."

They wanted to refuse; how could they let this wild woman take more time of their dear dragoness!?

However, Yasenia spoke faster than them with a childish voice. "That was yummy~. Are you going to give me more if we travel together?"

Their attention shifted to the cute acting dragoness. 'I want to pet her!' They thought unanimously.

The fox woman nodded repeatedly. "Yes, yes, yes. But only if your group comes with me."

The fox woman felt the dragoness leave her arms, making her feel somewhat empty. Then, she saw Yasenia walk in front of the Phoenix woman and tilt her head. "Can we go if we have the time~?"

Cecile's cold face melted into a smile, and she kissed her snout.

The spectators who thought the phoenix had face paralysis were stunned on the spot as if they saw flowers bloom after winter. 'So beautiful!'

Cecile understood Yasenia's plans instantly, so she looked at the fox-woman, her face returning to the cold and indifferent one, and curtly ordered. "Let's move to the side of the street."

The spectators blinked repeatedly. 'Maybe, I've just imagined things?'

They all moved to the side, and Cecile asked without a change of tone. "Are you going toward the Sun Engulfing Lobster Capital?"

The fox woman thoughtfully said. "It is somewhat far, but my caravan can move in that direction."

She pointed at the four naked humans and said. "Honestly, those four are the only merchandise left to sell. Then, I must buy some goods from this city to resell elsewhere. I can buy with the Grandsol City, the capital city of the Sun Lobsters, in mind."

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