Chapter 16: I'm Falling, Indeed

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I wasn't paralyzed. I had kissed a guy before, but it was not him. I looked at his lips, just as he looked at mine. Our lips were only centimeters away. He leaned in more and kept staring at my lips.

My eyes darted to his, and he pulled away a little. His hands ran up to my shoulders, giving me electric chills, and making goosebumps rise on my arms.

His touch was so soft, so soothing, so strong.

He had always been awkward about touching me, but today, something was different.

He pulled me close again and kissed me softly on the forehead. I leaned into his touch and hummed in a low voice as he pulled away. "Thanks," he spoke, letting go of my shoulders. My hands were already at my side, and I hoped my cheeks weren't as red as I thought they were.

"Bye," I waved awkwardly, turning back and walking away.

The sky seemed to be of different colors. Like it had changed from blue to light pink with clouds flowing in chains all across the sky. It was like a sunset.

And everything just fit.

He was like the sun. Sweet at first. And then blazing. And now, finally sweet again before descending away.

But no, he wasn't going anywhere. No descending away.

Your love's so frustrating

Yet infatuating

So lovely it is

His love. His love was like a drug. Like when you're high, it's awesome, you feel so good but at the same time everything feels different, and weird, you feel cranky. So good yet so bad. Killing you while making you smile.

It's like waves crashing

Sun setting

Night sinking in deep

I don't know why I saw an analogy between him and the sun. He was so much like moon, so flickering, indecisive, unpredictable. But still, he was my sun, my constant, always there, but more peaceful.

It's like stars smiling

Birds laughing

I am falling, indeed

So impossible, hard to imagine, but true to the core. A sight to watch. I could never imagine myself falling for Reece of all people, but there I was, staring flustered at the empty canvas in front of me. He caused so many mood swings, that I felt like the moon.

Waning and waxing because of him.

But nothing without him.

A tug at my heart

Showered in sparks

Because of you

I remembered his touch, the feel of his hands on me. The feel of his lips against my forehead. I still had those chills and those sparks. The unexplainable feeling in my chest.

Oh boy don't start

Playing with my heart

I am only for you...

He played so much with my feelings it was almost tiring. But at the same time, I didn't want anyone else. I knew that for sure. I wouldn't be able to love anyone like I loved him.

Your love's so frustrating

Yet infatuating

I am falling, indeed.

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