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We walked out of the room, hearing a bell ring as we closed it. The court was in session. We didn't have much time.

"So, what do we do?" asked Gem.

"We need to find out who murdered Katherine ASAP." I said. "I don't believe Scott is guilty. If he is proven to be so, they'll execute him!" I exclaimed.

"I know how we can find out!" said fWhip, excitedly.

"How?!" the rest of us exclaimed in unision.

"Gobland has security cameras, connected to daylight sensors! It's very clever redstone." he said, happily.

We just stared at him for five very long seconds. And then-

"fWhip! Why didn't you tell Jimmy?!" yelled Pix.

"Or us?!" Gem exclaimed.

"He didn't ask!" said fWhip, clearly unaware of what he'd done. 

"For the love of god...forget it, we'll deal with you later. We need to go." I said.

We all ran into the open air where we all took to the skies, flying high above the clouds. We reached the Gobland caves in record time, flying high above the cave floor and landing in the ancient city.

"Well? Where are the cameras?" I asked, not caring about summoning a warden. 

A shrieker went off in the distance. Strike one.

"Up there." fWhip pointed, and sure enough, the light of a redstone repeater was blinking back at us. 

Another shrieker. Strike two.

"How have we never noticed that...I'm going to check the footage." I said, already activating my elytra. 

A third shrieker sound. Strike three.

I landed on a small ledge jutting out from the wall of the cave. I didn't know how on earth it worked, so I just simply waved my wand and the footage started to play. I watched intently.

"Katherine, fancy seeing you here."


"Don't say my name. There are security cameras up there, and if my name is mentioned, I will be arrested by that corrupt sheriff."

"I...okay...what are we doing here?"

"We, my dear friend, are ending your life. If I can't have you, no one can have you. You are dead to me."


"DON'T DO IT! I can't, I won't, be arrested. You hear me?"

"Yeah...c...can we at least s...still be...f..friends?"

"No. You are dead to me! Don't you understand! I will not let that witch Shelby have you! Maybe in the next life, you'll think twice about rejecting someone like me."

"Yeah I...I will...just...please...please don't hurt me..."



"I...what have I done...did I just...is she...no..."

The murderer curled up into a little ball on the floor, sobs echoing around the cave.

The footage cut out. 

I slowly turned to the others, who had followed me up here. We stared at each other for what seemed like days before I finally blurted out;

"Joey Graceffa?!"

A fourth shrieker went off. Strike four. A warden rose from the ground, sending blue sonic waves in every direction. I heard someone scream, though I'm not sure who it was.

"We need to go." said Pix, flying towards the exit.

"But we just let a warden loose in my empire!" shouted fWhip.

"Deal with it! Later!" I yelled shoving him off the ledge and giving him no choice but to activate his elytra. Myself and Gem jumped after him, soaring out of the cave.

"Alright, everyone! We have thirty minutes before Scott is executed. We need to read Joey's diary!" I yelled, wind rushing past my ears. "To the Eversea!"

Would we make it in time? I didn't know.

All I knew was that we could not let Scott die.

All has been revealed!


Dead To Me- An Empires SMP S2 Murder MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now