40. Tiana Lucia Rossi

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Serenity Jackson

"One more time, Ms. Jackson! She's almost here!" Doctor Freeman let me know as I was delivering Tiana.

I groaned as I cried out in pain. "I can't! I can't do it!"

Luciano bent down and kissed my head. "Yes you can baby, you can do anything. Squeeze my hand for me and push. 1 last time, Amore Mio." He whispered.

I nodded my head curtly and did what he said soon feeling all my pain go away and hear a baby crying. I was breathing very hard and my body was all hot and sweaty. But I did it... I just had my first and LAST baby.

"Fiancé, would you cut the cord for your daughter?" Freeman asked Luci.

"Uhh sure, yeah." I heard the uncertainty in his voice. I just had to watch this.

I sat up in my bed and watched as he grabbed the scissors from the nurse. She's so pale, holy. Who goddamn white baby is that?

"Oh my god." I heard Luci mutter to himself as he shook to cut the cord. I laughed quietly.

"Would you like to hold her Ms. Jackson?" Freeman asked me.

I looked at my baby girl and saw how much blood and mucus she had on her. I cringed.

"Umm, I'll wait for her to be cleansed thank you tho." I said with as much respect as possible.

Luciano laughed at me then came back to my side.

"Ok Ms. Jackson, we're about to take her to the-"

I cut the white lady off. "No ma'am, I seen lifetime. My husband will be going with you."

Luciano laughed but followed after the nurse and Tiana.

My peace was interrupted by Axel, Angie, El, Damon, Xavier, Skylar, Matteo, Will, Alessia, and Francesco all barging in at once.

"Oh my goshhhh! I saw Luci walking down to the nursery with our precioussss! You did it bitch!" Elena squealed as she ran over and hugged me.

I laughed as I began getting suffocated by multiple hugs.

"Holy shit that baby white as ever." Sky whispered in my ear once everybody was off of me.

I laughed with her in agreement. "Girl that's what I said!"

Soon Luciano came back in the room with Tiana in his arms and in a cute little pink blanket. Everybody instantly gushed over her. I could see her very clearly now. She want that pale anymore she had a brown tint.

After some time everybody left and it was just me, Tiana, and Luci.

"You did it Bella." He smiled.

I looked up at him. "Yeah, thanks to you. I was about to give up." I told him honestly.

He bent down and kissed my lips. "I'm glad you didn't. She's so perfect." He was talking so softly while looking at our sleeping baby.

I smiled and nodded. "She gotta lot of fucking hair too."

Luci laughed and agreed with me. No doubt that part came from his side. Her head was full of hair slicked down to the root. I'm thankful and I know she will be too when she gets to that age.

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