25- Exam pressure

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Savannah's pov

The bell rang and I was glad my kaisi didn't miss. Once the paper was collected we left the classroom and I searched Reeh. She was in the class next to me. I called her and she told me to meet her outside. I saw her car at the entrance gate of the college.

She waved my way and I hurried to take the passenger seat. We discussed our paper and she dropped me home. I got changed and ate some fruits before gathering my books for next exam. Our special night turned out beautiful. I realised I can never be tired of this life.

His touch make me feels alive and safe. Our intimacy makes me want to ask more and more but for now I should focus on my exams. I have studied and prepared well for all my exams but I'm nervous so revisions makes me feel better.

This subject is my favourite so I winded up an hour before Lucy's arrival time. I should cook for us till the time he comes home. I went to the kitchen and checked the groceries. Cheese corn wraps would be light as well as tasty.

I made some tortillas, spread sauces and stuffed them with a filling of corns, cheese and potato with some chilli flakes and oregano. Lastly I roasted the tortillas on a pan with some butter. By the time I placed them in a plate, Lucy entered and made his way towards the dining table.

He saw me coming out and got up to hug me, "I missed you baby" he saw the plates and sighed, "you should rest baby. How was your paper?" I smiled and replied, "it was good, now you taste this and tell me how is it."

He took a bite and his eyes lit up, "this is sooooo tasty Anna, your hands have a magic baby let me kiss them" he kissed my both hands and focused on eating again. I chuckled and started eating too. Once finished we retired to bed.

He pecked my forehead and I realised how much I missed this precious moments because of the exam pressure. Soon after we both fell asleep. I woke up and continued this routine with studies, exams and Lucifer for several days but before my last paper I noticed something different.

Lucy looked extremely dull and almost sick. I asked him but he waved it off, i didn't want to upset him so I didn't push. He didn't even smile whole heartedly when I was laughing at an exam joke sent by Reeh. I was worried now but he was not ready to answer so I held him when we went to sleep. He appreciated my support and snuggled his head in my chest. I decided on talking about this when we both get home tomorrow evening.

I gave my last exam without getting disturbed and Reeh soon dropped me home. I waited for him to arrive and he looked the same as yesterday. His eyes looked lifeless and he have lost all his glow, charm and good vibes.

Looking him like this killed me and I instantly welcomed him with a hug. I pulled us towards the couch and made him sit down. I sat on his lap and he hid his face in my neck. "Do you want to share with me baby? Just remember I'm always here for you" I assured him and he looked up with glistening eyes.

I didn't reacted much, just held his face and kissed his eyes. He gave a small smile and spoke up, "I and Alex had an elder sister named Aurora who was the charm of my family and our lives. It will be five years tomorrow that she left us forever. It was a suicide case and we weren't able to find the culprit. We lost our angel at her teenage age. None of us had time to listen to her, and that's the reason she left us. Maybe if she would have shared and felt better she would have still been alive."

"When we lost her we decided on having a family day every month where one can share the worries if required" I was crying silently the whole time. This was my Lucy being strong and blaming himself for his sister's death. I hugged him close and he whispered "we don't talk about her at all, because we get emotional and she hated seeing us that way." I don't know the pain of losing someone forever but it fears to even think what will happen. I clutched at him tightly and he too held firmly.

His vulnerability was new because I never saw this side but I'm glad he showed it to me. "Do you want me to accompany you at the graveyard or you want it to do alone" he nodded his head, "ofcourse I want you to be with me baby, I need you" I kissed his head and promised him to be there with him. After few minutes of being in the same position we decided to call it a night. Lucy again snuggled in my chest and I lightly massaged his head which made him sleep soon.

The next day started dull and we woke up silently doing our morning routines. I didn't cook as we both were in no mood to eat food. Just brewed some coffee and left for the graveyard. We stopped by a florist and Lucy bought a bouquet of daisies. I guessed she loved those. We remained silent the whole ride as I knew he required space and time to mourn. To show my support I drew small circles on the back of his hand and he visibly relaxed.

Once we reached her grave, he introduced me as his wife. He talked for a few mins and then I thought of giving him some privacy so left to go back to the car. He was slightly shaking which means he was crying and that's necessary for him to do. He returned and hugged me for a few seconds before driving home. The question still tugs at my heart, what was the reason behind her suicide and who was the reason behind her suicide.

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