What is happening with me?

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Sweat dripped down on my forehead and blurred my vision. I swallowed hard as I wiped it out of my eyes and wiped it on to my sweatshirt. Trying to control my breathing . I focussed on the dark alley ahead of me. I knew someone was out there but I didn't know who was it.

I was walking to one of my friend's house . I decided to take the alley way . But it was the worst decision
I have ever taken . I sensed something unusual . Like someone was following me . It started to creep me out . Suddenly I saw a silhouette of someone . I froze when the wind brushed against my neck . I got goosebumps all over my body.

I got terrified . My tears were flowing through my eyes without even knowing . I bulge out of my place when I saw someone's figure was coming towards me . I started to walk faster . But the figure was also following me . I started to run while screaming for help . After a few minutes I didn't hear anything so I
stopped running and turned around but there was no one . I felt relieved . When I turned around to walk a hand came towards my neck and started to choke me .

I couldn't do anything at that moment.
I felt helpless . As I was thinking my life was over I heard someone calling my name I fell to the floor and also the figure disappeared out of the blue . I got scared when someone came beside me . But soon I started to tear up when I saw the person . It was my friend . He asked me ' what is wrong ' soon I told him what had happened .

He told me there was no one when he came to me and told me I was just hallucinating . But my gut told me otherwise so I just agreed with him .
I asked him what is he doing here he told me ' he came to the grocery shop suddenly he heard a scream so he came here and found me .

After a few minutes we went to his house . Our other friends had already arrived to his house . They greeted me with a big smile .I greeted them with a smile even though it was fake . I sat down on his sofa in a corner .
As I was thinking about my life . My life has been changed a lot after I shifted to my new house last week .

I live alone in my house . My neighbourhood looks eerie . Every day at two a.m I would have the same nightmares ;

Flash back

I was standing in the middle of my house . It was raining cat's and dogs outside . The thundering sound sends shivers down my spine . To my horror suddenly the power went off . Then I heard a gruesome noise near me . Some hands came behind me and pushed me into the darkness . The room was pitch black . It was pin drop silence . I walked towards the door very slowly.

I opened the door. The door opened with a creak noise . Suddenly a skeleton fell on me . I started to scream as I try to remove the skeleton which is entangled with my arms and legs . After I untangled myself from the skeleton I ran out of the room .

I was met with a black void of space .
Suddenly an unknown man drove a car swiftly towards me . He looked at me with a smirk and hit me with his car .

Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and looked at the person who was my friend . I was no longer in that dream . I was back in my friend's house . In my dream is it a ghost or am I just hallucinating ? He asked me " What happened , why are you spacing out?" That's what I am also thinking


To be continued

A/N : I hope you guys like this story . Please vote the story if you like it .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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