The Hellfire Club

Start from the beginning

[Lenora California]

The brunette looked up front as one of her classmates finished her presentation. It was a very fancy and put together power point that was nothing like the shoe box contraction El came up with, Will tried to explain to her how exactly the project was supposed to work but she didn't care, she wanted people to know who her real heros were, not some person who could care less if El existed, she wanted to show the ones who she mattered to, the people who saved her life.

She looked down at her box staring at the two little wooden figures she created, one was supposed to be Hopper while the other was Max, she was supposed to only choose one, but both of them meant a lot to her, Max especially, in fact, Max was very important to her, but sometimes when she thought about it, she would wonder if it was the same on Max's side anymore. She hadn't spoken to her months, not a single letter or phone call. At one point she brought it up to Mike, he wasn't exactly sure how Max was doing himself, he said that she was distant, she didn't really talk to anyone anymore.

This worried El, now she had no way of knowing if Max was okay, if Bailey was okay. She hoped deep down that everything was okay, but the last time Max pushed people away like this, things were happening, bad things.

"That was wonderful Angela, just wonderful." The teacher said. The class applauded as Angela went and sat down in her seat. El sighed as she watched the blonde strut around with her ego. She couldn't see as to why anyone would like her, try to be friends with her even. "Lets so who can top that." The teacher chirped. She reached into a big glass bowl and pulled out a small slip of paper. "Will!" She said with almost too much enthusiasm. The boy inhaled deeply then stood up from his desk and made his way to the front. Slowly he set his poster at the front and turned to face the class.

"So, the hero I chose for this project was Alan Turing." The class began to whisper to one another making Will nervous. He swallowed hard and cleared his throat then continued on. "Alan Turning is known as the father of modern computer science, he was also called a code breaker. He was able to develop the first modern computer, of course, this wasn't the kind like the ones you can find today. For my visual aid I drew a picture of your average sized man next to what was the first computer." The class spoke and nodded at one another as they looked at the comparison between the person and what was the new technology of that time. "Alan was able to use his creation to decode the encryption on German Enigma machines during the second world war, people calling him the man who cracked the Nazi code. Later on, when he created, detailed, and used a procedure called the 'Turing Test' he formed the base of artificial intelligence. Alans dedication to technology and the help he brought to America, the jews, and other people in need is the reason I have chosen him as my hero." The class started to applaud Will for his presentation, but it was then held up by a hand raising.

"Yes Angela." The teacher motioned to her.

"Yeah so, I was like, a little confused, because why would you choose someone who's been to jail?" Will swallowed, the palms of his hands getting sweaty.

"Because...because what he did for modern day technology is what matters." Angela scoffed.

"Yeah, but you do know what he was arrested for right?"

"He was a homosexual." Someone said.

"He was a faggot!" The guy next to Angela shouted, most likely her boyfriend given how hard of an ass kisser he was towards her. The class laughed.

"N-No! He was married to Joan Clarke, his wife!" Will pushed.

"Yeah, she was his wife, but it didn't stop him from wanting to blow!" A guy said, him and the guy beside him laughed about it and high fived over it. Will couldn't say anything because he knew that if he did all the kids in town would come for him.

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