chapter twenty - five

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I happened to be visiting Micheal Wheeler in the hospital. From what Will told me, a mild explosion happened at one of the smaller labs owned by Ted Wheeler. Thankfully Mike seemed to be fine — nothing more than a few scratches. Mr.Wheeler on the other hand wasn’t doing so well, you could say I came to see Mike for moral support.

“ How is he ? “, I asked, standing outside of Mr.Wheeler’s hospital door — though, I was referring to Mike.“ Okay, I hope. I’m sure it was just…traumatic ? “, Will replied in a quiet tone, it was obvious he had been crying. Jane and Lucas, along with Dustin came strutting around the corner.

“ We got here as soon as we could. “, Lucas told the brunette boy, pulling him into a hug.“ Where’s Mike, is he okay ? “, Jane’s eyes fell sadly onto her brother.

“ Yeah, he’s okay. “ Dustin shoved his hands into his jean pockets, “ Well, at least Mike isn’t hurt, am I right ? “ The rest of us shot him a glare as Jane sent a slap to the back of his head, “ Have some respect, Dustin. “

“ What ? I was just saying  — I didn’t mean it in that way. “, He mumbled, rubbing the back of his head where he’d been hit. The familiar raven head boy pushed the door to Mr. Wheeler’s room opened, letting us in. An awkward silence filled the room, the six of us haven’t been stuck in one room together, alone, for about two years  — but I guess it happens once you get older, people drift apart. Mike cleared his throat causing all our eyes to shift from Mr.Wheeler, who had been sleeping. “ So, uh, the doctors said he’d be alright. A mild concussion and a sprained ankle, but he’ll be okay. “

“ What happened ? “, I asked.

Things didn’t feel right, maybe it was the awkwardness that we all projected, but it felt stronger than that, it felt rather eerie.

“ One of the scientists went, I don't know, they just — the cops shot him down, he was acting all crazy. “, Mike fumbled. My brows furrowed, something was telling me Mike wasn’t speaking the whole truth. I didn’t question him about it, now was not the time to put him under pressure.

I noticed Jane staring down at Mr.Wheeler, tears pooling in her eyes. She wasn’t the type to fight and hold in her emotions, she was pretty good at reading them as well - an empathy is what I would call her.

Jane reached her hand out towards Mr.Wheeler, and I noticed he began to twitch slightly during his slumber. “ Jane. “, I said quietly, “ Back up. “ She frowned, “ What — “

“ I said back up — “

Mr.Wheeler had grabbed onto the brunette’s arm, causing her to let out a frightened shriek. “ Don’t you touch me, girl, don’t you touch me ! “, he shouted with crazed eyes. Jane attempted to tug away from Mr.Wheeler, who wouldn’t seem to budge, “ Let go.“

Will snapped at Mike as he stood there in surprise, “ What the hell ? Call in a nurse ! “ Lucas called out the door, “ We need a nurse in here ! “

“ Let go of me, damnit ! “, Jane cried. “ I got you, hold on. “ I managed to get Jane free from Mr.Wheeler’s hold, before Dustin made it to the room with a nurse.

  “ What the hell just happened ? “

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