Chapter 362. Talking about Valeria's past. Tatyana's resolution.

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'Wow... Sometimes, the reason for the origins of a whole race can be so casual.' They all thought at the same time.

Valeria continued. "After seeing human variety, I wanted to try something like that. Moreover, the human bloodline is extremely adaptive, so I used my summoner of that time to have some children and then, with his permission, others to get more gene variety to the race. That's why my [Nature Spirit Elves] are almost completely human-like. I used humans to create them, after all."

Kali asked shyly, "V-Valeria, how many children have you had?"

Valeria got thoughtful and said. "If we don't count the creation of Nature Spirits as having children since that's asexual... I would say less than five thousand, but I'm not completely sure. Some of my bodies were quite active, after all."

The coughs were louder this time, and even Yasenia looked at Valeria, flabbergasted. 'A super mom.'

Tatyana smirked, "I see. Valeria can be considered to be a super M.I.L.F. "

Valeria asked, confused. "What are you talking about? Super Milf?"

Tatyana shook her head, "My things, don't worry."

Valeria was confused, but she just shrugged. Then, after thinking of something, the tall, voluptuous green lady looked at Yasenia and smiled, making some of them gulp. "I'm a very good and experienced mother, Yasenia. I can guarantee that I'll be very good with everything."

Yasenia didn't doubt it.

Tatyana coughed and said somewhat sourly. "Stop blatantly seducing my daughter in front of me!"

Valeria chuckled and transmitted the next just into Tatyana's mind. 'I won't stop~. Your daughter's genes feel so tasty. I really want to have her children. More important than that, Yasenia herself will be a good mother to them, so I won't let the matter rest~. You should give up, Tatyana, this senior has taken a liking to your daughter, and Kali's bond with her makes us, in a way, inseparable~. Moreover, although Yasenia doesn't have romantic feelings for me, she is fond of me."

Tatyana's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. 'So much for having too good of a daughter. Everyone wants a piece of her!'

Valeria laughed, amused. 'It's your fault for raising her up to be such a good woman.'

Tatyana sighed. If Valeria were a random person, she would have secretly made her disappear! But this senior won't be easy to deal with.

Tatyana sighed one more time and looked at the dragoness. Yasenia looked at Tatyana innocently, like the good girl she was. 'I can't punish this adorable face! Should I feed her something to make her ugly? That way, she won't attract so many bees and butterflies.'

Yasenia felt a chill and didn't know why. 'What's wrong? I feel danger!'

Leaving dangerous thoughts aside, Tatyana suddenly said. "By the way, I don't remember [Spirit Nature Elves] having a high amount of human bloodline. It was actually very thin. Wouldn't they have to be half-human if they were made how you told us?"

Valeria looked at Tatyana, confused, and said as if it was a matter of course. "I purified the next generations with my bloodline. Of course, the human bloodline would be thin."

All of them got their imagination running and thought. 'Now, Tatyana seems like a very moral person.'

Tatyana thought, speechless for the first time. 'She is like the exaggerated version of myself.'

Yasenia looked at Tatyana and Valeria and said. "If we have children, they'll be out of your boundaries!"

Tatyana and Valeria repeatedly blinked, looking at Yasenia with innocent looks.

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