Congratulations, Adam!

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"You don't know? YOU DON'T KNOW?" I yell.

Bree and Adam look shocked and a bit scared at my glaring face.

"We're sorry, Mellie! Everything went down so fast!" Bree's voice is trembling, and she looks like she's about to cry. "Don't act like you're the only one who loves Chase! He's our little brother!"

"Yeah!" Adam says.

I sigh. "I'm sorry, guys. Sorry. Do you guys have trackers?"

"Yeah. But only Mr. Davenport and the rest of the lab crew can see our locations." Bree says.

I mutter a swear word.

"What's wrong, Mellie?" Adam asks.

"Um, Mr. D doesn't know I left."

"And?" Adam says.

"And? Adam, I can't call to see where Chase is, and if you do, he'll wonder how you got out!" I say.

"We'll just say we got out on our own. I'll say I used my eyes to melt the snow, and then I pulled Bree out and we don't know where Chase is." Adam says, shrugging his shoulders.

Bree starts clapping. "Congratulations, Adam! You finally came up with a good idea!"

Adam laughs a little. "Well...thanks. It's what I do."

"Okay, but I'll call so you don't mess it up. We can't trust you to do two things good in a row." Bree says, taking out her communication device.

"Bree?" Mr. Davenport's voice crackles out.

"Mr. Davenport! It's Bree! Adam and I are safe, but we don't know where Chase is! Can you tell us our position compared with Chase's?"

"You're safe? Both of you? How? Wait, nevermind. Not necessary. Okay, Chase's signal is about two feet away from yours, Bree."

Bree walks two feet to the left. "Here?"

"No, go right."

"Right? That's right where Mellie-" Adam is cut off with an elbow from Bree.

"Mellie? No, Mellie's not there!" Davenport says.

"What? Please tell me my daughter is not on that mountain!" Dad says in the background.

"Hi, Daddy." I say, shooting a glare to Adam. Bree mirrors my glare at Adam.

"Sorry." Adam whispers.

"We gotta go, Mr. D. And Eddy's circling the mountain with a helicopter, so we'll be fine! We just gotta get Chase!" I say, and then Bree turns off the device.

I crouch down and start digging down where I was standing. "Chase? Chase?" I yell. Bree and Adam start digging with me. We try the fire technique we used to find Bree.

Finally, Bree's fingernails scrape a piece of fabric, and she pulls on it.

"Chase?" I yell.

We don't hear anything, but we continue digging until we reveal an arm and part of a chest. "Chase!" It's got Davenport's logo on it, so I know it's him.

Adam pulls him up and places him gently onto the bank above.

"Chase!" Adam and Bree smile at their brother. His eyes are closed.

I kneel down and place my ear to his mouth and a finger on his neck. "Oh my God. He's not breathing, and his pulse is extremely slow." I turn to Bree and Adam. "Can I do regular CPR on him, with his bionics?"

Adam snorts. "Mellie, just 'cause we're bionic human beings doesn't mean our bodies are set up different."

Bree nods.

"Okay." I start giving Chase pumps on his chest, carefully counting out the number and trying to remember everything from the CPR class I took. Eventually the time comes to give him the two breaths, and I do so.

"Mellie, I think that's enough." Bree says, pulling me back after five, ten, six hundred minutes. I don't know how long it's been; time isn't moving.

I lean back and roll my sore wrists.

"Is he breathing?" I ask.

Bree bends down and presses her ear to her brother's mouth, and a finger to his neck. "His pulse seems to be a tiny bit faster than it was, but he's still not breathing." She sits back down by Adam and I. "I'm sorry, Melli-" Her voice is cut off by a sob, and pretty soon Adam, Bree and I are huddled in a group, hugging each other and crying.

Oh Chase....

*********IMPORTANT AUTHOR NOTE: DO NOT MISS!*************

Don't kill me, this book is NOT over. I repeat, NOT OVER!!!!!

There will probably be 1 or 2 more chapters after this, and then an epilogue that sums up the story and characters in the future.

Thanks for being so loyal! 

Love you forever!


PS- (As of 11-25-15) There IS another book following this one! It's called My Dad is Bionic, and I would love it if you guys would read it after you read this one! There's about 14 ? I think 14 chapters of it published right now.

Loving a Bionic (Lab Rats fanfic/Sequel to Bionic Feelings)Where stories live. Discover now