Chapter 1 - Awake - Prologue

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"B-But, there's not going to be any space..." I avoided making eye contact. 

He sighed, and walking closer hoisted me up, ripping off the gear I had on. "Look kid, I didn't mean to scare ya, I'll get you on that boat," he spoke softer, and took off towards the transport boats. Reaching the crowd, the first boat had just took off and the second was taking its last people. The man despite that pushed through the crowd and set me down right in front of the boat.

"Hannes? The boat is just about full," a garrison soldier stepped aside to make space for him to walk, looking at me briefly before back to him.

"We only had one spot left I'm glad you made it in time," the other sighed.

"No, take the boy instead. I'll make it out." he pushed me forwards slightly, as I stumbled onto the boat.

The soldiers looked back at each other, not knowing what to do, but its not like they could just dump me back out there, so they let me stay. I walked onto the boat, pushing my way slowly through the crowd and finding a small corner In the back of the boat to sit down. I let out a much needed sigh, until I felt a sharp pain in my throat, Wheezing slightly and letting out loud coughs. My throat was dry and cracked. 

"Here, drink this," turning around, I saw a blond haired kid holding a pouch full of what I assumed was water.

"Thank you," I said meekly, grabbing the pouch and almost downing the whole thing in 5 seconds. 

"You must've been thirsty!" He said surprised, "my name is Armin."

"Hi Armin, my name is Y/N." I said quietly trying to make myself less noticeable.

"Nice to meet you Y/N! I saw you were with mister Hannes." He told me.

"You mean the man that brought me to the boats?" I asked sheepishly.

"Yeah!" Armin said with a wide smile across his face. "Come on this way, I'm gonna introduce you to my friends," he said grabbing my hand, and tugging me through the boat.

"O-Ok," I said flustered and surprised. 'He doesn't seem that bad, I just hope his friends are as nice.'

"Eren! Mikasa!" Armin yelled, grabbing their attention for only a second as they quickly looked behind him, at me who was being dragged.

"Huh? Who's this Armin?" A dark brown haired boy said, which I assumed was Eren. 

Armin took a deep breath before introducing me. "This is Y/N, mister Hannes brought him onto the boat," he said, I smiled at Eren, trying to make a good impression.

"Hi Y/N," Eren said, "if Armin thinks your nice enough to be bring back, then you must be a cool." He said with a slightly empty tone in his voice, dry red marks by his eyes proved it, he must've lost somebody in the attack. 

'I feel bad for him.' My smile slightly receding before introducing myself. "Nice to meet you too Eren," I said before peaking behind him to see the other person Armin mentioned, Mikasa, however she didn't seem very interested since she was looking of the boat towards the shore.

"Well I'm going to go sit down," I told Armin to try and get out of talking to them.

'Ugh this day has been stressful,' I sat back against the side of the boat recalling everything that happened today. Zoning out and starting to remember everything that happened today, but I was puzzled to discover I couldn't remember anything before I woke up, how I got there, who my parents were, absolutely nothing. 'What? ' I tried searching through anything, but no matter what the only things I could remember were after I woke up, and my name. My heartrate started to spike, and I could feel it throbbing out of my chest, beads of sweat falling down my face, until a felt a tiny spark, and images flooded into my mind. Through the eyes of a Titan I saw Images of my parents falling off the wall whilst being devoured. Memories followed after, they were soldiers and as their patrol went on, they took a break sitting on the edge of the wall when a group of abnormal titans slammed into the wall making them lose there balance falling down below, shortly after that, the walls were broken down and I woke up.

Snapping back to the present, I covered my mouth to stop myself from throwing up as a tear fell down my face. 'I couldn't do anything.' I thought to myself, 'I'm powerless, I'm going to return here someday, and avenge my parents! ' I said clutching my hand and pushing my hair out of my face, vowing to help in any way I can and regain my lost memory of my life that the Titans took.

"You ok?" Asked a soft voice next to me, I  looked away and instantly was pulled back to reality. 'This is gonna be awkward.'

"Oh, Mikasa, I never got the chance to say hi," I said wiping my tears, and trying to cover the fact I was crying all together. 'God I hope she didn't see me.'

 "Where did you go earlier while I was talking to Armin and Eren?" I asked.

"I was just watching the Titans funnel in from the gate." She responded with an uninterested voice.

"Titans. I'm going to come back here eventually and train myself to fight them." I said looking off the boat. "What are you going to do?" I asked looking back at her.

Seemingly a little caught off guard, she looked away, before answering the question. "Me, I'm going wherever Eren goes, which based off today will probably be the cadets as well," she said with solemnly.

"Well then, I'll see you there then." I quickly thought of something to say, very much confused. 'What the hell are the cadets? '

Mikasa POV:

"Before you start thinking of that we still have two years left, and we haven't even gotten in wall rose yet," I said to Y/N doubting his conviction.

"Yeah, I guess so, but I'm sure those two years will go by pretty fast," he responded. "Anyways, I'm exhausted, I'm going to get some sleep before we arrive. Can you wake me up when the boat arrives?" He asked sleepily.

"Sure," I watched him lay down on the side of boat and pass out instantly, 'what a weird kid, he is just as optimistic as Eren. He better not rub off on him.'


As I laid down and drifted off to sleep, all I could dream about was a horrible nightmare on repeat with my parents and the titans faces, that grotesque scene becoming the only thing I could see.


Waking up to the gentle tapping of a hand on my shoulder I gasped, looking up to see Mikasa staring at me blankly.

"Wake up, we're here," she said before walking away. 

"Th-Thank you," I rubbed my eyes, looking up to see her, but she was already gone.

"Trost District," Eren said with a determined voice as the refugees made their way off the ship I stepped onto the concrete floor of the sidewalk and made my way towards the refugee center.

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