Benny: "Thanks, Trudy. I'm sorry I threw up in the holding cell" he calls out, making Trudy stop in her steps, rolling her eyes before continuing forward "You look like death." he hums, looking over Ryan, making her shake her head with a scoff

Ryan: "I look no worse than you." she hums, moving towards the exit as Benny follows after her, snickering a little

Boden: "Arya Hayes, Gabriela Dawson, Sylvie Brett" he calls out, entering the room where the three women sit "This is..."

Harris: "Harris Thornton."

Boden: "Your trainee for the day."

Brett: "Great to have you with us, Harris."

Arya: "We'll take good care of him, Chief."

Boden: "Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of" he sighs, giving the three a nervous look "So, you are to observe only. That means you don't touch anyone, you don't hand out medical advice. You just stand to the side. You let these very capable ladies tell you what to do."

Harris: "Thank you, Chief Boden." he nods, smiling at the three women as he moves to take a seat at the table

Dawson: "So, where you from?"

Boden: "Oh, good lord." he exclaims, sighing as Ryan and Benny enter the room

Benny: "Wallace."

Boden: "Benny. What's the occasion?"

Benny: "Just a harmless Chicago weekend."

Boden: "Yeah. Good to see you, Benny" he hums, reaching out to shake his hand "Ryan, when you get a chance. My office."

Ryan: "Got it."

Benny: "Morning, fellas."

All: "Hey, Benny! Hey, man." they greet

Matt: "It's been a while." he smiles, standing to his feet as he moves over to shake Benny's hand

Benny: "That it has. Congratulations by the way. Noticed she's rocking some new bling. Or old bling I should say."

Matt: "Thank you." he chuckles

Kelly: "What happened?"

Ryan: "Just picked him up from jail."

Benny: "I was defending the honor of a very, very nice young woman."

Cruz: "I thought you were married."

Ryan/Kelly: "That wouldn't stop him." they mutter, shaking their heads

Benny: "Was" he points out, moving towards the couch "I hope you guys don't mind if I hang out at 51 for a little while. I'm..."

Mouch: "Oh. Uh..."

Benny: "I just want to catch a couple of Zs." he groans, flopping face first down onto the couch

Mouch: "Ah. That's fine." he sighs, waving him off

Boden: "How are you feeling?"

Ryan: "Sleep's been easier to come by. Therapy's a-a great help."

Boden: "I'm glad" he hums, giving her a soft look "After everything you went through, it's understandable if you'd wanna take some more time off."

Ryan: "Gotta jump back in eventually, right?" she shrugs "I'm okay."

Boden: "You know if you need anything I'm here."

Kiss of Death (HOC V.1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora