
Começar do início

He looked at her and smiled softly, there wasn't a day that went by where he didn't miss her and her brother they became family to him.

"So are you gonna tell me why you're crying?"  He asked her softly, looking into Sofia's eyes, seeing how she was hurting and there was also fear.

"Did someone hurt you?" He asks in concern.

Sofia nodded her head.

"Who hurt you Sofia." He ask

"Someone who I thought loved me but it's not only that." She tells him.

"So that someone hurt you in what way did he hurt you." He asked her softly.

"He broke my heart into a million pieces."  She tells him softly.

He pulled her into a hug knowing that she was hurting from that person.

Once they pulled away from the hug they walked towards her car and sat on top of the hood. They sat there in silence enjoying the view of Los Angeles.

"So what has happened over the years since we saw each other." Sofia asks him.

"Traveling mostly but I went back to my hometown to check on someone...what about you what happened throughout the years." He told her.

"Nothing had happened when you were gone." She lied to him.

"Then why did you call me?" He tells her, giving her a  knowing that he knew she had lied to him.

She looked at him scared how he was gonna react to what she was about to tell him. He was like another older brother and had always wanted to know his opinion on things before she did them but knew she he was gonna be upset with what she was gonna tell him.

"You know you could tell me anything." He tells her after seeing how scared she seems.

"Promise you won't get mad." She tells him softly.

"I promise I won't be mad." He said looking at her in confusion.

She bit her lip nervously not knowing if she should just say it or give him hints about her being pregnant.

"Come on Sofia you could tell me anything."

"I'm pregnant." She blurted out looking at him.

He stayed silent for a moment before he burst out laughing thinking it was a joke.

"Very funny, now tell me what's wrong." He tells her but once he saw the seriousness on her face he knew that she wasn't joking around with him. "Wait, you're serious."

Sofia nodded her head looking away from him feeling ashamed.

"Why do you feel ashamed about being pregnant?" Hayley asked Sofia.

Sofia looked at her and shrugged her shoulders in response. The reason why she felt ashamed was that she was the baby of the family. Her brothers wanted her to have a better life than they ever had. She felt like she let them down.

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