chapter twenty - four

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' Do you…wanna get outta here for a bit ? '

That one simple question from the girl of my dreams led me to being interrogated. “ Where did you get those shoes ? I love them.“, She asked. “ I've had them for a while. “, I retorted, wiping my clammy hands onto the fabric of my dress, “ Why do you ask? “ She gave me a shrug, “ Oh, I just saw someone with the same pair, a couple days ago. “

I swayed my feet back and forth, the both of us sitting down on the park bench. ‘ Damnit, Max, why can't you just stay still ? ‘, I thought. I knew for a fact that I wore the same exact shoes the day she saw me, I only hoped she didn’t recognize me. “ So, what do you think about spider-women ? “

“ I think she’s pretty cool, I mean, she did save you and Will. “, I replied, fidgeting with my fingers nervously. 

She shot me a glance, “ How do you know that ? “

‘ Shit. That was the one thing she didn’t mention on the news. ‘

“ Uh, Will told me. “, I lied. I knew I didn’t sound so sure of myself, but I really hoped she had believed me.

I laid sprawled out on my bed, I was truly exhausted after the party

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I laid sprawled out on my bed, I was truly exhausted after the party. During the last forty five minutes I've been home, I couldn’t think of anything but Max. She makes me feel all bubbly and giddy inside - and I hated myself for loving it. Besides my confusing feelings for the girl, I began connecting the pieces between her and Spider-women. She didn’t sound too sure of herself when I questioned her early that night. I also asked Will if he’s told Max anything  - he said he hasn’t told anyone about that night we were saved. Either Max knew who Spider-woman was … or she was, well, her. “ What are you thinking about ? “, Jonathan questioned me from my doorway.

“ You’re back ?! “, I jumped to my feet. Jonathan moved to California with his friend Argyle, for a bit. He wanted to get away from Hawkins, explore different places, instead of living in the same boring town for the rest of his life, plus, he and Nancy were on bad terms during the time. “ Yeah, It’s good to see you too. “, He laughed, tapping my back while I hugged him with all my might. “ I’m just picturing the look on Will’s face when he sees you. “, I said, knowing that Will had spent the night at Mike’s - meaning he would have to wait the next day to see our brother.

“ Wait, wait, did you bring - “

“ Yes, I brought Argyle. “

yes, yes, yes !

God, I hated Monday’s

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God, I hated Monday’s. It didn’t make it better, because now I was watching a girl bat her eyelashes at Max across the courtyard. My jaw clenched and
unclenched, jealousy was such an ugly look- I don’t even have the right to be jealous, me and Max aren’t dating, we’re best friends. The blonde girl had handed her a piece of paper, causing curiosity to spark in me.

‘ What did it say ? ‘

‘ Was it her number ? ‘

‘ Did she ask her out on a date ? ‘

“ Jane, are you even listening ? “, Lucas clapped his hands together, bringing me out of my train of thought. “ Of course I am.“, I replied, though my brown eyes never let Max out of my sight.

“ Oh, I see. You’re too busy looking at Maxie Waxie. “ I snapped back, “ Am not. I just want to know the girl she’s talking to. “ He stated, “ So you’re jealous. “

“ No. “, I answered blankly. “ Sure… “, He dragged off, “ The girl she’s talking to is Chrissy Cunningham’s younger sister. “ I hummed, turning away from the redhead and the blonde. He stared down at me with a raised eyebrow.

“ What ?! I was just curious. “, I rolled my eyes.

“ Yeah, curiously jealous. “, He laughed.

I walked into the cafe just down the street from school

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I walked into the cafe just down the street from school. I was planning on visiting Eddie, but those plans changed after finding out he now works a different shift — instead of seeing Eddie I was met with a upset Max. She sat at the corner table in the half empty cafe, her shoulders shaking — was she crying ?

" Max ? ", I approached the redhead. " Jane ! ", She fixed her posture sitting up straghit in her chair. " What — what are you doing here ? ", She questioned, her voice wobbling.

" Well, I came to see Eddie, but he's not here, and I noticed you were crying. " She laughed half-heartedly, " No, I'm not crying." 

" You don't have to lie to me, Max. It's okay." She let out a sad sigh, " Thanks. " I placed my hand on top of hers, hoping it would bring her some sort of comfort — It was also an excuse to hold her hand. " May I aks why you're crying ? "

" Oh, well, this really pretty girl asked me out on a date, and she stood me up. I just feel stupid, I guess."

' For her to be Chrissy's sister she sure sounds like a jerk. ', I thought. " Max, who gives a shit ? It's her loss. Do you realize how amazing, and funny you are ! " I watched as Her lips curled into a smile, and the lightest pink painted her freckled cheeks.

" And you're, like, really pretty. Don't let some air head girl put you down. "

' Great job, Jane ! Why don't you just call her pretty again out loud another time — good thing it's normal for girl-friends to call eachother pretty, it is normal right ? '

spider-max; elmax au. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt