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Sakura's Pov

I look around my new room "hmm where should this go??" I look over to Eloise she rolls on her back

"meow" she purrs

"I agree I think Its perfect on the window sill" I place It and jump up and down

I fall onto my bed I feel a vibrate and get confused as I look around I see my phone ringing I pick It up forgetting to see who even called me

"hi" I stare at Eloise as she looks back she walks up and starts nudging me

"Girl can we please go to the shops I'm so bored and I just got off work"

" you just got off work? It's like 9 am. I swear , did you have to work that night shift again? I told you that's really dangerous" I kind of raise my voice . I don't mean to get mad but I don't want her getting hurt like...

"yeah.. but It pays so well and you and me both now I hardly have money for rent" Athena mentions In a kind of sad tone like something happened

"Athena did he..??" I can feel my voice tremble Its goes silent

"Athena answer me right now " My voice becomes stronger still shaky though

"before I answer please calm down.. "her voice shaking like crazy

"Sakura stay calm but.. " I knew she wasn't gonna continue my but I knew what happened already

I was gonna go to the shop and get her some stuff and go over to her apartment for the night I knew she needed someone

" Athena calm down, I'm gonna come over right now" I can hear her breathing heavily. I can tell she doesn't want to say anything and that okay she doesn't need to.

I run Into the shop trying to find Athena a cute sweater "Check"

Sour patch kids and Oreos "Check"

Mint chocolate chip ice cream "Check"

Next her favorite drink Arizona Strawberry Kiwi Juice I don't know why but Its at like no shops ever so It takes a while to even find it

Then I see It "Score" I mumble just as I get over there someone's In my way I make a sigh sound being a bit aggravated

They're just standing there like they're frozen or something there really tall and have a hood on like me but they have shorts on.Dude shorts It's the middle of winter I kind of stare not realizing cuz I spaced out thinking about how cold he must be. I mean there's like so much snow outside I'm used to that though.

He tapped my shoulder and I zoned back In and looked at him

"Huh oh hi sir" why did I say sir he's like my age I think he just stares at me confused..

"Sorry I was just waiting to get a drink from right there" I point at the drink he still stares at me but with less confusion then he turns his head to look where I pointed and grabs me the drink.

"oh thanks.. What's your name??" he doesn't respond for a moment, still watching me like a hawk.

"Ace" he spoke up and it catches me off guard.

I look at his eyes, one as green as an emerald and the other as blue as the ocean. It's so pretty.

I realize I haven't said my name "Hi Ace I'm Sakura" I still stare at his eyes there just so cool.

"Nice to meet you Sakura" I look up at his hair its slightly darker then Athena's Hair, shoot Athena I need to hurry up.

"Your eyes are beautiful" He mumbles. I didn't hear what he said

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