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"Are you here? Have a seat."

The Archmage did not move even though the Marquis offered him a seat. Rather, he stepped back.

"Father, for how long are you going to keep running away ?"

The Marquis said in an irritated tone. The Archmage glared at him.

"When did I run away?"

"Now. Just now. You were in a position that looked like you were getting ready to bounce."

"T-This bastard, look at how he talks to his father."

"You can't deny that you were trying to bounce out. Are you planning on never seeing your granddaughter's face for the rest of time?"


The Archmage shut his mouth and glared at the Marquis. He seemed to be trying to not look in Ariadne's direction.

'I guess you really don't want to see me.'

Ariadne sighed inwardly and opened her mouth.

"Archmage, please bear with me for a moment. There's something you need to see."

"B-baby, I......"

"Now, I'll show you how to treat contamination."


I prepared my mind earlier. She decided to get the job done quickly and pulled out two glass bottles.

"Please take a look at this."

The Marquis and the Archmage saw what she had taken out.

The Archmage recognized the magic circle engraved on the glass bottle, which contained the contaminated water, at a glance and his expression changed.


"Yes, this is contaminated water. The other is a treatment for contamination that's still under development."

At her calm words, the Marquis' face changed dramatically. His face looked as if he was watching a child running through a minefield.

I was surprised to learn that neither the Archmage nor the Marquis had ever heard the rumor that there was a cure for contamination.

"A-Ariadne, where did you get that? No, no, come here. It's dangerous."

"Baby, you don't know how scary that is. Please put it down, huh? Slowly, like this."

They held out their hands nervously. It was dangerous, so they couldn't take it away carelessly.

'Well, this is a substance that is much more terrible than radiation, no, even worse than radioactivity from my previous life.'

'Contamination' was a phenomenon in the world in which the environment of this world changes like that of the Demon realm.

Contamination first appeared in this world, Elysium, about a hundred years ago.

Around that time, something called a Labyrinth suddenly appeared in many parts of the world. The labyrinth contaminated the surrounding environment as it emerged.

The sky was distorted and the ground changed. Even the air changed its composition. The contaminated space seemed like a completely different world.

All living things that came into contact with the contamination died. Humans were no exception.

In the labyrinth, not only contamination but also demons poured out. The demons were creatures from another world which were completely different from the monsters that had existed in this world up until now.

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