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the word slut is used very loosely and in an ill mannered way. girls are being called sluts for either wearing revealing skirts, short dresses and other type of clothing that might be described as promiscuous. Even when it comes to someone's own private sex life, the girl is considered a slut for either sleeping around, having sex with who she wants or just being a sex worker in general (even though it's their way of earning money). this word is used too often and i do not understand why it's still acceptable. no one has no right to judge a girl just because she engages in sexual intercourse or dresses in a sultry way. it's cool for a guy to has his bitches and sleep around (nothing wrong with that too) but as soon as you hear of a girl fucking more than one guy, she's a slut. it's not even just guys who call girls sluts, it's actually a more seen thing for GIRLS to call GIRLS sluts. funny thing the girls that do call her sluts are the hoes that are on the sideline that don't get no dick or no sex. they're insulting her because they cant do what she does and they know that aren't wanted. same thing with the dudes, they know they aint getting no pussy anytime soon because they're just on the sideline judging and hating. also back to sex workers, i don't know why that job is looked down on because i see nothing wrong with it. they're just men and women doing their jobs so they can pay their bills and buy their food, it sound normal right? its just society thinks its something disgusting but in all honesty they just working people like me and you or any other person. reminder that men go to them and pay them, they're just people doing their jobs. sex workers shouldnt have to explain their plans after work in order for you to support them.I love how mad non-sex working women get when they realize that sex workers are people capable of feeling and being felt for, who might not actually be entirely inferior to them in the dating and relationship realm. It's like, "Damn, I can't just rely on the fact that I'm an intrinsically superior kind of woman, I might have to work on my personality!"

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