Taehyung slightly move to get more access on her, she let him touch her, kiss her even last night she almost gave herself to him, if he didn't open his nasty mouth then she will definitely gave him previous night. He slid more her slip causing it fall from her shoulder completely and exposing her too much skin, he again went to kiss her but this time his eyes fell on those hickies which turned light red now, it was decorated all over her neck.

The calmness that had previously filled his mind had been replaced by rage; his relaxed face was now writhing involuntarily, his eyes burned with rage, he felt disgusted by seeing her, her eyes were closed; she was slightly tiled over his chest. Taehyung clenched his fists tightened his grip on her arm. She opened her eyes, as his grip on them was really tight as if it will stop it flowing of blood, Y/n looked at him with him with flabbergasted eyes, which was nothing seemed like a second before, Why the fuck?

She was violently thrown onto the bed by Taehyung, and as she landed on her face, he appeared to be struggling to maintain control of himself. He ruffled his hair and got up from the bed, he closed his eyes preventing to explode out of her in anger, his fisted his hand, he didn't know what happened to him, he felt disgusted by seeing her like this, his hands etching to rip her off of her skin, he growled as he walked to the exit and left the room without even looking at her face.

Y/n turned to face him, her mouth gaping in disbelief. She appeared shocked. "What was that? Did he just push me and left me just like that? And here I thought he was sorry for the last night, such a jerk! So now he is showing his real face." – She looked at the exit, burning in anger at the same time disappointment.


Y/n Pov :

I was lying in bed with my legs up in the air and my breast pressed against a soft mattress when I boredly turned the page of this magazine. I screamed, "Stupid!" because I felt too bored to be true and nothing seemed to be interesting.

I again close my eyes, pulling my hair in frustration, "What the fuck I am doing?" sometime I find myself speechless, here I was tricking him to fall in love me, but it seemed like it was slip of my own thought, I didn't want to distract of my goal.

I was getting the hell out of here.

I made my way out of the room and stilled near his cabin, his personal cabin, I looked around to see if there was a camera, but to my relief, I couldn't see any. I knocked a few times before pushing the door slightly and peeping inside, my heart was hammering in fear, I swallowed, I wasn't going to be caught, right ?

The interior of the room was exquisitely lavish, making me feel as though I had entered a royal family. This man was extremely wealthy, as evidenced by the marbles, scenery, and statues throughout, all of which screamed wealth and royalty. I felt extremely small in comparison to him and assumed that he had kidnapped me for the purpose of getting money, but this was clearly not the case. This man must have some sort of grudge, as otherwise I won't find any intention why he kidnapped me and even took my dad here.

"I can't even ask this monster? Sometimes I wanted to slam my head against the wall and wonder why the hell I initiate this stupid drama, a drama of manipulating him into my fake love, but now I have gone too far, can't take my steps back... I needed to carry this shitty drama to free from his cage, this is the only way for me and my dad...."

I looked thoroughly his each and every drawer, any kind of equipment which I can use in future for my safety, but I found none, not even a single clue. Then my eyes landed on a book it has unique name on it, 'Coincidence', my feet automatically went there, I picked the book from the shelf and then a small paper cut flied from it to the ground, I bent to pick it up and that moment I have heard the sound, sound of him talking to phone, my eyes went wide, I panicked, my breath went fast.

My feet were trembling in fear as I quickly picked up the paper from the floor, tucked it in the middle of the book, and set it on the shelf. My eyes were constantly searching for a place to hide my figure as my feet continued to tremble. I looked everywhere before hastily hiding my figure under his personal cabin.

At that exact time the door of entrance swung open, Taehyung entered. I could sense it was him, his voice was echoing in room, his scent was unmistakable, every fiber of my being was tense, I placed my hand over my mouth as a paralyzing fear filled my mind, his polished shoes appeared in front of me, he was here, at right moment me, my breathing sound seemed too loud at that moment, I closed my eyes, a wave of fear washed over as I heard his footsteps fading away, a little relief entered in my lung since I was holding my breath till now.

My eyes inspected thoroughly the entire scene before I opened the door and dashed out to my room, as soon as I entered inside, a sign of relief poured onto me.

"I was too close to my death today, thank you god, thank you so much........"


Unknown pov:  

A man was on the floor groaning in pain, his left side of head was badly bruised, his legs as well as his hands were printed with dark blue marks, there was numerous places where it burnt, he was lying in his pool of blood, he could barely open his eyes but the drug injected into him was making his death agonizingly slow, he cried in pain, the man who was staring at that figure who was whimpering in pain with no emotion in his eyes, his eyes glued to a man, no words left from his eyes from the moment he enter inside.

He was expressionless, no one can decipher what was going on in his mind, he was as rock, his eyes gazed at the man with calculative cold eyes, His hands were resting on his spread-out legs.

He strengthen his posture before getting up from his chair, the man cried more in horror, He had been subjected to these cruel and inhumane treatment for fifteen days, he can't bear anymore, he tried to curl in a ball but it was impossible to even move since his both legs were chained with heavy iron ball which was perfectly secured on the wall, on the top he had nothing left in his body, the amount of blood loss he had during these fifteen days he had already became lifeless, just breathing oxygen.

"Please just kill me..." – the man begged.

He approached him slowly and steadily, bending down in front of him and muttering, "Yea, Your time is up, now there is no fun to play with you...but I really enjoyed your every pain, your every scream." He complimented him and grinned.

"Say good bye to your friend from me, and tell them I will sent rest of them really soon.......Bye...." as he loaded the gun and shoved all the bullets inside his skull.

The man was finally free, free from his cruel slow torture.


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