Makeover Series: HEALTH ☆

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This makeover to me is one of the most important. It's really good to start having healthier eating choices.

And this isn't so you can loose weight or anything, it's so you can be healthy and fit!

Eating healthy doesn't mean cut out all junk food! It just means to add more of a variety and go for those fat free type foods.

So here's some things you can do to improve your diet-

Step 1:
Record a food diary of what you eat for a whole week. After that week, scan over it and count the vegetables, fruits, dairy, nuts, carbs, meat and junk food.

You can then see the balance you have between healthy and junk food. If junk food over powers everything, you need to make a change.

Step 2:
Make a list of all the fruits you like and all the vegetables. This is a good way to see what foods you can incorporate into your food schedule.

Step 3:
Take a look at a food pyramid and healthy food pyramids. Then match the foods you eat with the sections of the pyramid. Then after that, write down the foods you like from each section e.g- dairy, yoghurt.

Step 4:
Look up healthy recipes online to be able to make bigger meals so you don't just eat the healthy food by itself.

Step 5:
With all the information you have,
Construct an options sheet.
One sheet for lunch ideas, one for breakfast and one for dinner (unless you're like me who cannot control what they have for dinner)
Try and have about only 2-4 junk foods per day. And make it only like maybe a muesli bar, e.t.c

Step 6:
Try it out and see if you like how it turns out! I can guarantee you will feel so much better and you will feel less hungry if you have bigger meals.

And there you go!

That's how you can have a health makeover!

Vote, comment and follow!

Until next time

Stay pretty


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