Chapter 8.♥

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A/N: I'm updating 3 times today because I got to 50 reads in less than 24hours woop woop!!:D

Anyways ... Chapter 8 ...

Georges P.O.V

I was on the train home to tell Charlee the good news. I made it to boot camp. Boot camp was next weekend. So I wasn't going to be able to see Charlee as much because she was in college. I decided to text her

'Hey babe, on the way back. Nearly there next stop is mine. Can't wait to see you. Miss you so much! George XXXX'

I put my phone back into my chinos and looked at my guitar. I began to daydream and luckily that passed the time. I got off at my stop and walked to my house. I thought my mum had the right to know.

"George? Is that you? Did you make it??" I heard my sister Harriet Scream whilst running down the stairs to give me a hug.

"Yes it's me, and yes I made it!"

"Omg George I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks. Wheres mum?" I asked her, I put her down as she dived onto me when I told her.

"Shes gone to Australia to her Brother for a month? remember?"

ohhhhh yeah i remembered now.

"Oh yeah ha, well I'm going to tell Charlee the good news"

I ran out the door and walked to Charlee's. I rang the door bell eagerly waiting for her to answer.

"GEORGE!" She called.


"Omg my boyfriends going to be famous woop woop hahaha"

she put her hands around my neck and I put my hands around her waist making us only inches apart.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too."

I broke the gap between me and Charlee by placing kisses onto her soft spot on her neck. She moaned quitely and pult away.

"My parrents are here."

I sighed slitely and went inside.

Charlee's P.O.V

Me and George went up to my room and talked about 'us' , And 'us' is official we are together.

"What's going to happen to us when you're in bootcamp? and live shows? Will we take a break?"

"Um....I think we will have to because I want you to be loved by someone as much as I love you now."

"oh.. ok" A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Why are you crying?"

"Because You're going to forget me"

"I won't forget you babe"

"Promise me"

George nodded his head.

"I promise."

"Pinky promise me."

I stuck my pinky in his face. He just laughed.

"What? a pinky promise means everything."

George stuck out his pinky and we locked them.

This was a promise I had a feeling he can't keep.

Did Faith Break Us or Was It You?..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ