One, I might not be able to and fail trying.

   Two, they might just catch me again.

   Three, they might do something worse.

   Four, I'm too damn lazy.

   I backed away from the glass and turned around to examine my room. It wasn't easy, as it was very dim in this room, but I tried my best. I felt around in my pocket and grabbed my iPod and turned it on, flashing it around the room. I saw a chair, a person, a lightswitch, and a box. I went towards the lightswitch and flicked it on, but nothing happened.

   Wait, a person?

   I turned around and saw Drake standing there, motionless. He turned his head towards me gloomily and got up as I walked towards him.

   "Drake--" I began, but he put a firm hand on my mouth. "Hey, dude!" I mumbled, my voice muffled by his hand.

   "Shut up for once, will you? Just hear me out." Drake spoke softly, as if he was afriad someone was listening. I nodded my head and he continued.

   "Okay, sorry about the knocking you out buisness, I had to do it. I was ordered." Drake whispered, barely audible. "I told you before, I'll explain later, maybe this weekend, but right now we have bigger problems." He spoke cautiously, stopping every few words to listen. "You have to get out of here and avoid Sheila at ANY costs. She'll make life tough for you..." Drake's eyes shot around the room. "In other words, if you bump into her, you might not come out alive," he continued, whispering a bunch of bull in my ear. I didn't believe any of this, and I wasn't about to take him seriously.

   I swatted his hand away from my mouth and went over to the glass, examining it. I felt Drake come up behind me. He turned my around to face him.

   "Get out." Drake said.

   "Will do," I said, not agreeing to what he told me to do, but I just wanted to leave.

   Drake walked over to the far right corner of the room and moved the box. The box didn't look easy to lift either, it looked like it was made of metal. Drake kneeled down and flipped open a little box attached to the wall and punched in a few numbers. He then kneeled down even more and lifted a small hatch open.

   "Crawl through here and don't let anyone see or hear you, whether you believe my story or not." Drake said, basically reading my thoughts from earlier. I said nothing and went to crawl through the hole.

   I stood up as I exited from the tunnel and found myself in the music room. The room was always empty for some reason... maybe this was just the storage place. I shrugged it off and dusted my clothes off. Crawling through a dusty tunnel isn't fun for anyone.

   I sighed and decided to take my mind off things and went over to the library, and, seeing Rocky sitting at a table, I walked over to him. His face lit up as I pulled up a chair and sat beside him.

   "Finally, I was waiting for someone to come distract me from my boring work," Rocky winked at me and put an arm around my shoulders. "Hey, what's wrong?" he looked at me, his expression fading into a concerned one.

   Right then and there I realized I was shaking a little for no reason. I slung my arms around Rocky and rested my head on his shoulder, muttering "Nothing."

   "I know it's something, don't hide from me," Rocky smiled lightly and pulled me closer to him. So I decided to tell him everything. I also threw in my little nightmare from his morning, just for the hell of it.

   After I was done explaining, Rocky hugged me a lot tighter and said that it'd all be fine. I nodded lightly and stared at the many bookshelves filled with hundreds of books and drifted off into a daydream about nothing.

   A bell woke me up from my consious sleep and I got up to go to my favorite class, art. Rocky was off to math and I wished him luck in his science test that he had next period.

   In art class we were starting clay, and I was extremely excited for it. Although I loved everything in art, clay was just really fun to do. Also it would give me a chance to socialize with other people in my art class rather than Donatello. As I walked into the larger room in my art class, I saw that the tables were arranged so that eight people could sit at one table. Most people were already in seats, talking among friends, and I saw Peach sitting there, talking with Donatello. She waved to me and I went over to her, smiling.

   Peach, Donatello and I talked for a few minutes before my teacher started handing out the clay. Donatello wasn't rude at all near Peach, and they were a cute couple. A turtle and a princess.

   When I got my clay, Peach got up to go talk to some of her other friends for a while, leaving me with Donatello and five other strangers. I was slowly building some random thing that I wasn't even sure what it was as Donatello reached over and squished it with his fist. I looked at him, surprised that he did that. I took my finger and poked his sculputre so that it had a million holes in it the shape of my finger. Donatello's mouth went into a comically surprised shape as he took a piece of his clay and flinged it at me. I stared at him as the clay left a mark on my t-shirt. I reached across the table and got some glitter, opened the cap and poured some at him. He gasped at me as his hair and face became sparkly. He roared in anger and grabbed paint and flinged it at me.

   War broke loose.


   WOO moderately boring/shortish chapter! Well I don't know how short/long it really is, but whatever. OKAY A FEW THINGS HERE.

   ONE. I finally finished all those damn projects that kept me from doing things I wanted. When I had spare time I played Zelda instead, I apologize. BUT now that our work is lessened a little (we got another project so I dunno how long that's gonna last) I'll work on uploading a little faster. And not once a month. TWO. I have a lot planned for this story but I can't seem to write up to it, so the pace might be going a bit aster now. THREE. YEAH the dream she had was also based on one of my own when I was youger. Yeah I don't know why I dream of hunchbacks named Mike.

   AND that's basically it. I'm just gonna chill and eat my Oreos now. Like you needed to know that. Yeah isn't reading author's notes FUN?

   Not as fun as writing them.

  HAHAH okay I'm done. Seriously. I swear I'm gonna stop wrighting. Now. Kind of. YEAH I LIED!

   One more thing to the awesome people that decide to read this. Should I ship Zelda with anyone? XD it really wasn't planned at all when I started writing this and she might just be single and ready to mingle for the whole story, but I dunno what I should do about it. So comment or something because THIS ISN'T MY STORY. IT'S YOURS. Not really but still. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 25, 2011 ⏰

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