Chapter 6 - The Rumbar Policy

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Brook: "Yes, most typically do in some way... Now what's the real reason?"

Gwen: "Uh-!"

Brook: "Gwen, just because you're a pirate, you don't need to know how to fight. Please... tell me why this is so important to you."

I glanced down at Laboon who was staring up at me in concern.

Gwen: "... I don't want to feel helpless again."

I once more found myself fighting the urge to cry.

Brook: "Gwen..."

Gwen: "Just a few days as a pirate... and I was pathetic."

He put a comforting hand on my head.

Brook: "Don't talk like that. Despite what happened, I thought you were very brave. So does captain, and everyone. Even Laboon knows how brave you were in the face of danger, don't you buddy?"

Laboon splashed his fins in agreement. But I shook my head, knowing how scared I was.

Gwen: "Pirates aren't supposed to be scared."

Brook: "Yohoho, who told you that?"

A few tears slipped down my cheeks as I couldn't fight them back anymore.

Brook: "Me? I was terrified, but that doesn't make me any less of a pirate, does it?"

I slowly shook my head.

Brook: "Same goes for you too."

Gwen: "But... will you teach me?"

Brook: "*sigh* I... I don't know..."

Gwen: "It's because I'm a kid, isn't it?"

Brook: "Well... I mean..."

Gwen: "I'll never be strong enough in this body... I shouldn't have eaten that stupid devil fruit."

Brook: "Oh Gwen... Hey, think about it this way. You eating that fruit eventually lead you to meeting us. Fate works in mysterious ways, doesn't it? Yohoho!"

Laboon squeaked as they both tried to cheer me up, but it wasn't working. Times like this, I hated being trapped in a child's body. There was silence for a minute as tears continued slipping down my face while I stared off into the horizon. Until...

Brook: "~~Neath the sky of stars so bright, pirates sleeping through the night~~"

I glanced down as Laboon jumped happily out of the water to hear Brook singing.

Brook: "~~Laboon is dancing in the sea and Gwen is sitting here with me~~"

He swayed me lightly to the tune with his hands on my shoulders and I couldn't stop the small smile creeping onto my face.

Brook: "Yohoho, I see that smile~"

I wiped my cheeks as a giggle escaped. I love Brook's singing.

Brook: "I want to teach you something very important, Gwen. A policy we Rumbar pirates live by."

Gwen: "What is it?"

Brook: "You love music, don't you?"

Gwen: "Of course."

Brook: "Good. In that case, whenever you're feeling down, just sing."

Gwen: "I thought we only sing when we're happy."

Brook: "Well yes, that too. But singing cheered you up just now, didn't it?"

Gwen: "... Yes."

Brook: "Music, as well as being something we celebrate with, can also be a good medicine. We sing when we're happy or sad, excited or scared... Do you understand?"

I thought about it for a minute and nodded.

Gwen: "I think I do."

Brook: "Music is a powerful art in itself... Though... I suppose it wouldn't hurt... to teach you another powerful art."

I turn to look up at him.

Gwen: "Really? You mean it?"

My face lit up as he nodded.

Brook: "At least a little."

I giggled and hugged him.

Gwen: "Thanks, Brook!"

Brook: "YOHOHO! My pleasure."

Gwen: "You hear that, Laboon? Brook's gonna teach me some cool swordplay!"

Laboon chirped and splashed, sharing my excitement.

Yorki: "Gwen."

We flinched and turned to see captain upstairs.

Gwen: "Captain Yorki!"

He spoke with a stern smile.

Yorki: "What're you doing out so late, kiddo?"

He didn't seem mad, but I panicked a little and blurted out the first thing.

Gwen: "Uh- Singing."

Brook: "YOHOHOHO!"

Yorki: "Right of course, haha. Come on, you. Back to bed, or you'll be too tired to sing with everyone tomorrow."

Gwen: "Kay... Good night, Brook. Good night, Laboon."

Brook: "Sleep well now, my little friend."

Laboon waved a fin at me with a smile. Brook helped me down and I went upstairs. I took captain's hand, and we went inside. But what I didn't notice was that behind my back, Brook and captain gave each other the thumbs up, like they had a successful plan. Before I got back into bed, he brushed my fringe up, making me look at him.

Yorki: "Listen, Gwen. I know you're technically a teenager, but no more sneaking out. Okay?"

Gwen: "Aye, captain."

I climbed into bed and giggled as he tucked me tight into the covers.

Yorki: "Hey, what's funny? It's a cold night."

Gwen: "Eheheh, you're tickling!"

Yorki: "What? No I'm not. What're you talking about?"

I curled up laughing as he playfully poked and tickled my sides.

Yorki: "Haha, alright. Sweet dreams, kiddo."

He put his hand on my head as my giggles calmed down.

Yorki: "And don't worry about today anymore, okay."

I nodded as he ruffled my hair before going back to his bed. That night, I went to sleep with a smile.

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