Why me

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A steady beeping sound was all y/n heard as he slowly came to. Opening his eyes he saw a white ceiling above the bed he was in. Slowly sitting up he saw the hospital room he was in. Looking over he saw a remote on a table next to the bed. Picking it up he pressed the button to call a nurse to his room. When the nurse walked in she proceeded to ask him the necessary questions.

Y/n: How did I get here anyway?

Nurse: Oh your friend brought you here he left this morning he said he was just gonna shower and stuff then come back here he should be here any minute now.

Y/n: When will I be able to leave?

Nurse: Once the doctor clears you you'll be able to go anywhere you want.

Nodding his head the nurse finished up getting her information before the doctor came in and started doing some basic physical testing with y/n. As the doctor was finishing up Sett walked in to see y/n up and moving.

Sett: Thank god you're up and moving again.

Y/n: Yeah sure.

Once the doctor finished the tests he gave y/n the all clear to leave. After he left Sett gave y/n some clothes he brought for him due to how dirty his ones he showed up in were.

Sett: I know we aren't the same size but it'll be something till you can get home.

Y/n: I don't have a home anymore I lived with Cody before last night.

Sett: Lets head to the bar ill help you out cause lord knows I owe you for the things you've done for me.

After leaving the hospital Sett drove y/n to the bar as they both were in an awkward silence as the road noise was all that was heard inside the cab of the blue BMW M3. Upon finally returning to the bar Sett parked up front and got out with y/n and walked into the bar. Since it was mid day and the sun was still up so there were few people in the building just those with time to kill. Sett walked up to the bar counter and talked to the bartender about something before ushering y/n into his own office off to the side of the building.

Y/n: So got your own name on the door and everything huh?

Sett: Yeah it's not to bad and it's better then the old underground fights I used to do so mama is more pleased with this.

Y/n: I bet she is. I wish I still was on good terms with mine.

Sett: You never did tell me what exactly happened with that. What did she not appreciate you racing?

Before y/n could answer the door to the office opened and someone walked in. Looking behind him he saw a blonde woman wearing skinny jeans and a grey t-shirt with a small pink handbag hanging from her shoulder.

???: Hey babe I was just bringing you your phone you left it when you came and left this morning.

Sett: Oh thanks Ahri I didn't even realize I left it. By the way have you met y/n? He's an old friend and the one I told you about this morning.

Ahri: Oh this is him? Hello i'm Ahri but you probably figured that out already.

Sett: Y/n here was beat down outside my door by people that he called friends. People he ran with in a group of drivers so i'm trying to think of a way to help him out now since he doesn't have a place to stay anymore.

Ahri: Well Kda has been looking for a driver so that's open for him to do.

Y/n: I don't know if you want me around Ahri i'm a wanted man with the police.

Sett: Why not go to them?

Y/n: What do you mean? Like go to the police?

Sett: Yeah go to them and give them the info needed to find the crew that caused you this issue.

Y/n: How do you know that they wouldn't just throw me in a cell once the info is with them?

Ahri: The rest of Kda and I are friends with Sherriff Caitlyn and her partner so we can get a meeting arranged.

After thinking it through y/n figured what else is there to lose. He's already at the bottom it's time to rise again like a pheonix as his father always told him. Sett and Ahri assured him that it would be fine as Ahri left the room to make the phone call that y/n prayed wouldn't end his life. After a bit of waiting Ahri walked back in the room and put her phone in her pocket.

Ahri: Caitlyn and Vi are ready whenever we are to head over there.

Y/n: Wait, we?

Sett: Well you know i'm not gonna leave you hanging.

Ahri: You mean alot to Sett so i'm going to support you in this.

Y/n: Thank you, both of you.

With everything decided the trio all got into Setts car and drove off to the police station. Walking in they were greeted at the front desk by a man in a uniform y/n swore he would never look at for help. But things change, people change, life moves on. And whether he is ready or not he has to grow to continue on. And as he was sat in an interrogation room with his hands cuffed on the table he made a silent promise to himself.

Y/n: Somehow someway I will get back at you Jay even if it's putting you in a cell. This is my rebirth I am no longer RedLine I am y/n l/n. And i'm coming for you.

An unlikely friend(league of legends X male reader)Where stories live. Discover now