Psychic Isabelle Chloros versus C3

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"Sounds rough. You feel okay though?" Warren asked me as we walked home. My mind still processing everything that happened during gym class. I didn't want to talk about it so instead of telling the truth I simply told Warren I tripped.

"Are you sure you can handle the cocaine bird dude by himself?" Warren asked me. I could feel his concern.

Ability 9: Empathy

This ability allows Isabelle to know the true emotions of anyone at any moment.

"Yeah. I'll be okay, just don't worry about me." I replied.

"You sure? You don't always have to do things alone."

I ignored this and replied somewhat off-topic

"If I don't call you at 9 come to the old abandoned factory. That's where his lair is."

He nods as we reach his house.

"I'll call you," I say as he walks towards the front door.

At first, I got no reply. I thought he didn't hear me so I considered shouting. But he turned around and replied to me.

"Isabelle. Be careful. This guy could be dangerous."

I nodded my head and replied with "Will do." as he went inside.

As I walked home I got to thinking about this guy.

If this guy-he's just some guy. I saw it for myself, he's not an evil spirit looking to seek vengeance on the world. He's just some weirdo who forces birds to eat cocaine. But Warren's words do have some truth to them-if he was able to block his face from my psychometry then he must be a skilled psychic.

Maybe we could solve things peacefully. I don't want to get him help or anything; I just don't want to hurt him. Although my day at school already had me itching to use my powers after refraining from them for so long I told myself I wasn't going to hurt this guy.

I headed home and dropped off my bag. Afterward, I immediately teleported to the location I had seen and noticed it was empty. Almost as though not a single piece of cocaine had been made here.

But I did notice a symbol on the wall. I had seen this symbol when I saw the entire history of the cocaine grain. It was his symbol, his trademark.

The symbol was the letter C with the number 3.

C3? I wonder if it stands for something.

Suddenly without notice, I was flung to the wall. This was the work of an esper no doubt about it.

"Well well well." I hear, with some slow claps following.

"Are the weirdo forcing cocaine into those poor birds?" I asked. The urge to throw him into a wall was already beginning to creep up on me.

But I wasn't going to do that. I was going to peacefully talk him out of this whole operation. For the sake of those birds, he hadn't become unforgivable. There was still hope for him.

The man before we was 6'8 with a military green zip-up hoodie. His navy blue shirt was definitely a few sizes bigger than him and his sweatpants yearned for a washing machine with how much dirt was seen.

"Listen man there's-"

"My name is Connor." He said, interrupting me.

No, I just read your mind and it's fucking Ta-

"But continue."

I sighed and continued.

"I just... I don't want you to hurt those poor birds. I know you're better than this."

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