Lost! (Ookami Mio x Reader)

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A/N: Sorry for not posting in a few days. I was pretty busy. I hope you can understand. Anyway please enjoy!

Y/n's P.O.V: I was walking in the forest and I was listening to my favorite music. I got really into the music I got lost big time. I tried to think where I was last but I couldn't. I started to tear up due to the stress. I sat in front of a tree and hid my face in my knees. At this point I was crying. All of a sudden I heard a twig snap but I ignored it until I felt something soft rub up against me. I looked up to see a huge wolf. "AHHH! DON'T HURT ME PLEASE!" I started to sob and beg the wolf to not hurt me. 'You idiot wolves can't understand english' The wolf rubbed itself up against me again and it also started to lick me. "Hey stop that tickles." I say trying not to laugh. For some stupid reason I was still crying. The wolf backed off and disappeared from my sight. I was alone again. I hid myself back in my knees and after a few seconds I felt a hand softly rub my head. I looked up at the suspect. I looked at a beautiful wolf woman? "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you need help?" The she-wolf showered me with questions. "I'm just lost. *sniff* nothing more." I say. "You poor thing. It looks like it is getting late would like to stay with me?" "I shouldn't go with strangers. That is the number one thing my parents taught me." I said a bit worried. "Don't be like that I don't bite. Here in fact let me do this" The girl turned into the wolf from earlier. The she-wolf then picked me up by the collar and threw me on her back and started to run off with me.

Mio's P.O.V: I started to run with a very pretty girl on my back. It took forty five minutes to arrive at the cabin. (Yes it is a cabin because she is partly human. Any way back to le story.) I looked at my back and the human was asleep. I turned in to my human form and swiftly grabbed her. 'Damn she is cute up close. Hell even far away.' I thought. The human started to wake up and she looked at me and looked like a tomato. "Hey! W-why are you s-so close to my f-face!?" The person yelled. "I was just going to take you to bed. That is all. Can I know your name,  beautiful?" "Eh!? Beautiful!? R-really!?" The human yelled yet again. "Yes. Now may I know your name?" I ask again. "M-my name is Y/n. W-what is yours?" "Y/n huh. What a beautiful name. My name is Mio, Ookami Mio." I say. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to my room. "W-where are you taking me Mio?" Y/n asks. "Just taking you to my room so we can sleep in in my room." I put her on the bed and lied down next to her and started to close my eyes. I re opened them to something touching my tail. I look back and see Y/n asleep while holding my tail. I blushed a bit and smiled softy. 'I will protect you with my life Y/n'.

DONE! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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