Jake nodded dismissing me

Quickly neteyam finished eating and got up too "may I be dismissed as well?"

"Yeah go ahead" he dismissed neteyam as well

Neteyam sped up next to you walking with you

"Can I help you mighty warrior" I joked laughing

He laughed smiling at me

Man he looked attractive when he laughed I couldn't help but admire that beautiful smile of his

He looked at me he then looked away I swear I saw a small blush form on his cheeks he scratched the back of his neck "is there food on my face?" He asked

"Yea actually." I took his face into my hands swiping food off from the corner of his mouth he looked down his eyes gazing towards my lips then back up "there" I pulled my hands away but he quickly put them back "are you sure there's not anymore"

I looked at him "very funny teyam" I smiled pulling my hands away, walking toward my tent as he walked with me

Once I made it I turned around looking at him "goodnight tey thank you for walking me to my tent even though you didn't have to"

"Well you never know I just wanted to make sure you got here safe." He smiled

"I appreciate it you have a good night" I smiled at him

He smiled back at me "goodnight y/n" he said while leaving as I closed the flaps to my tent

I got changed into a shawl and laid down in my hammock I soon drifted off to sleep tomorrow was gonna be a long day.

The next day

I got up super early, stretching out my arms yawning. I got ready picking up my bow and arrow along with my knife putting it in its sheath. I walked out of my tent only to see neteyam up and waiting for me

"My dad got the targets ready for us." He smiled

I yawned "thank eywa I thought we'd have to do it ourself and those things are to tiring to carry"

Neteyam let out a chuckle "they already left I hope they make it out safe."

"Yea me too."

He led me to the targets I stood in front of one as he came up behind me

I drew my bow and arrow holding my arms up

He held my waist "your form is off again y/n" he pushed my arm up slightly as he pushed my stomach in

"remember to stand straight."

I couldn't focus I felt his hot breath on my ear

He whispered "shoot."

The arrow completely missed its target I sighed upset steadying my breath

"Try again." He helped my arms up

I shot the arrow and it missed again

"You're very distracted you're not usually like this."

'Well no shit you're behind me holding me you think that's normal?' I thought "oh y-yea uh sorry"

Neteyam looked confused "come on we have another hour of this straighten up"

You fixed your posture sucking your stomach in slightly

He guided your hand to point at the target

"maybe this will help"

I shot the arrow as it hit the target I moved away from his body super flushed

Neteyam smiled at me "I knew you still had it"

"Haha.." I laughed nervously and went to go retrieve my arrows

I brought the arrows back only to see neteyam gone I figured he just went to go get something

I got in my posture drawing my bow I aimed at the targets hitting them all I let out a small sigh of relief, I rubbed my head

Neteyam came back with fruit and gave me some "here it's important to eat always." He tossed a fruit toward me

"I know teyam" I caught the fruit and bit into it savoring the juice

Neteyam looked at the arrows "looks like you did really well without me"

'You were pressed up against me like do you really expect me to focus...' I said in my mind "yeah" I nodded "I got the hang of it"

He smiled at me biting into his fruit "so I was wondering maybe if one of these days you'd like to go to our place"

My cheeks flushed "o-oh with kiri and the others right"

"No just us"

"Oh. Well sure I'd love to"

"It's a date then"

"A date?"

"Well not like that but just us two hanging out like back then" he smiled

"Oh right." My ears went down "cool."

"What's wrong" he walked up to me

"Nothing just so excited you know"

He gave me a small smile "hm okay!"


BONDED| neteyam x reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon